▍1. MC
说明: Matlab下基于蒙特卡洛方法解辐射传输方程(solution of radiation transmission equation based on Monte Carlo method under Matlab)
用nuttall窗双谱线插值实现谐波提取(Nuttall window double spectrum line interpolation harmonic extraction)
粒子滤波PF,无迹粒子滤波UPF,卡尔曼滤波KF,扩展卡尔曼滤波EKF等例程与比较。建议下载,清晰明了(Particle filter PF, Untraced particle filter UPF, Kalman filter KF, extended Kalman filter EKF and other routines and comparisons.)
许多图像问题需要某种物体的检测,其中图像之间的物体的外观有自然的变化。 如人脸识别,病变检测,神经通道分割。 这些图像问题可以通过手动注释图像对象来解决,以训练识别正常物体外观的模型。 这可以通过基于PCA的最大似然分类器来完成。(PCA algorithm suitable for detection / recognition of 2D image "objects")
改进的GM(1,1)程序,可实现时间序列的灰色等维新息预测,采用弃旧纳新的原则。(The improved GM (1, 1) program, can realize the time series prediction using grey information renewal, discarding the old and new principles.)
根据中国气象数据网下载的全国气象站点的数据,批量提取所需站点的数据。(According to the data of the national meteorological station, which is downloaded by the China Meteorological data network, the data of the required sites are extracted.)
利用多元回归分析对气象站点数据进行插值运算。(The data of meteorological stations are interpolated by multiple regression analysis.)
dea的ccr模型、超效率模型的m文件和实例(The CCR model of DEA, the M files and examples of the super efficiency model)
ista算法,用于最优化求解,迭代收敛,实用小程序(ista algorithm, for the most optimtical problem)
偏最小二乘回归在matlap中的实现,源代码,有交叉效应(The implementation of partial least squares regression in matlap, source code, cross effect)
AFD(自适应傅立叶变换)的matlab实现代码(the matlab code of AFD algorithm)
多目标蚁群算法用来求解多目标最小生成树问题(Multi-objective ant colony algorithm)
拟牛顿迭代法是相对比较新的一种方法,克服了牛顿迭代需要求导数和求逆的缺点,用于求解非线性方程组(For solving nonlinear equations)
目前为止最快速的EMD算法,也可作为SIFT匹配的一种方法(So far, the fastest EMD algorithm can also be used as a method of SIFT matching)
matlab 实现克里金插值 传统克里金插值 可用于已知少数点的值画整体趋势面(matlab kriging Can be used to draw a few points of the known value of the overall trend surface)
Matlab 算法寻找Bessel函数的零点。(find the zero point of Bessel functions)
我们需要成百上千的分类器来解决现实世界的分类吗 我们评估179分类17种分类器(判别分析,贝叶斯,神经网络,支持向量机,决策树,基于规则的分类器,升压、装袋、堆放、随机森林和其他合奏,广义线性模型,线性,偏最小二乘法和主成分回归,logistic回归、多项式回归、多元自适应回归样条等方法),实现在WEKA,R(有或没有插入包),C和Matlab,包括所有目前可用的相关分类。(Do-we-Need-Hundreds-of-Classifiers-to-Solve-Real-World-ClassificationProblems)