▍1. onlineexamsys(Hibernate4)
Hibernate4在线考试系统,Hibernate4在线考试系统,(Hibernate4 online examination system)
Hibernate4在线考试系统,Hibernate4在线考试系统,(Hibernate4 online examination system)
在教学管理系统中建立学生的信息库,以及实现对学生信息库的基本操作。(The establishment of student information database in teaching management system, and the realization of the basic operation of student information database.)
学生成绩管理系统,对学生的个人信息进行增加删除以及修改等操作(Student achievement management system, to increase students' personal information, such as delete, and modify operations)
C语言实习中做的一个简单的图书管理系统,包含查询,添加,删除,存储图书信息的功能(C language training to do a simple library management system)
这时一个用c++编写的一个图书出版管理系统,是一个数据库的课程设计(Book Publishing Management System)
这是学习C++的过程中,练习面向对象思想的最好的例子,就是学生成绩国力系统 (This is a learning process C++ practice of object-oriented thinking the best example is the national system of student achievement Floyd algorithm- the shortest path directed graph)
输入学生的百分制成绩,将其转换成等级制。(Input students of centesimal system, convert them into a hierarchy.)
一个基于纯C++的简单成绩管理系统,适合新手学习(A score management system based on a simple pure C++, suitable for beginners to learn)
基本信息管理主要包括:商品信息维护、往来单位信息维护、员工信息维护和仓库信息维护。 操作员“mrkj”和密码“111”(Basic information management include: product information maintained between units of information maintenance, employee information maintenance and warehouse information maintenance. Operator " mrkj" and the password " 111" )
如新360,是一个轻量级的网站内容管理系统,适合初学者拿来学习用(If the new 360 is a lightweight web content management system, suitable for beginners to learn brought)
图书馆管理系统,实现了对图书的增加、删除、修改、更新,以及图书的借阅功能。(Library management system, to achieve the increase of books, delete, modify, update, and borrow books feature.)
成绩分析问题 问题描述 录入、保存一个班级学生多门课程的成绩,并对成绩进行分析。 基本要求 (1)通过键盘输入个学生的多门课程的成绩,建立相应的文件input.dat。(Performance analysis problems Description entry, save a multi-class courses student achievement, and to analyze the results. Basic requirements (1) through keyboard input student achievement and more courses, to establish the appropriate file input.dat.)
山东大学威海分校曹老师C++期末考试试题(Shandong University at Weihai Cao teacher C++ final exam questions)
图书管理系统:用户管理(用户添加,密码修改),图书管理(图书增加、图书修改、图书删除),使用sqlite数据库(Library management system: user management (users add, password changes), library management (books increased, modify books, books delete), use sqlite database)
EEE syllabus for Anna university students
简单的学员信息管理系统,增删改查都可以实现,具有简单容错功能(Simple student information management system, CRUD can be achieved with a simple fault tolerance)