▍1. STM32F429-emWIN-522
st官网的stm32f429的驱动液晶屏代码(this s a stm32f429 code)
st官网的stm32f429的驱动液晶屏代码(this s a stm32f429 code)
电动汽车快换电池箱电子控制单元通信协议(CAN)(BMS ECU communicating protocol)
Relief computing classification weight, Based on piecewise nonlinear weight value Pso algorithm, MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory identification of the target source.
泽太微电子(CMOSTEK)的CMT2300A驱动参考代码(Sample Code for CMT2300A)
该嵌入式C语言源代码软件工程是以STM32F103系列微控制器为核心的嵌入式数字示波器的源代码工程,主要实现0V基线对齐、探头补偿校准、波形保存和调出等功能,具有带宽0-200KHZ、垂直灵敏度10mv/div-5v/div、记录长度1024点、触发方式自动/常规/单次等参数。(The embedded C language source code software engineering is based on STM32F103 series microcontrollers as the core of the embedded digital oscilloscope source code project, the main realization of 0V baseline alignment, probe compensation calibration, waveform preservation and recall functions, with bandwidth 0- 200KHZ, vertical sensitivity 10mv / div-5v / div, record length 1024 points, trigger mode automatic / conventional / single and other parameters.)
用stm32测量血氧饱和度和心率。传感器为max30102。在oled上显示。效果较好(Blood oxygen saturation and heart rate were measured by stm32. The sensor is max30102. Display on oled. get a good effect.)
yaffs2文件系统实现原理分析,已经添加了书签,很方便(Yaffs2 file system implementation principle analysis, has added bookmarks, very convenient)
基于STC15系列单片机通过硬件SPI接口驱动ILI9341主控的彩色液晶屏,带有中英文显示,多种字体(STC15 series microcontroller based on the hardware SPI interface to drive the ILI9341 control of the color LCD screen, with Chinese and English display, a variety of fonts)
基于STM32开发板,通过模拟寄存器,验证I2C通信功能,(I2C_TwoBoards_ComPolling I2C Two Boards Communication Polling Example)
STM32 EMWIN移植成功并且已实际操作过,可以随意使用图形界面。(STM32 EMWIN transplantation success and has practical operation, can use the graphical interface.)
ARM体系结构与编程学习arm的实验代码大家可以看看下在(The ARM architecture and programming learning ARM s code you can see in the experiment)
基于STM32F4的俄罗斯方块,改自网络已有程序,进行注释和调整。(Teris,based on STM32F4)
电动车从控板基础代码。采集外设温度、电压等数据(Electric vehicle control board based on the code)
EEPROM interface library for Microchip s 24XX EEPROM family, for LPC1768 - although it s based on mbed liberary and LPC1768 chip but it s not necessarily depended on them and it s Cross- platform. Tested with: 24C02, 24C08, 24C16, 24C64, 24C256, 24C512, 24C1025 24LC02, 24LC08, 24LC16, 24LC64, 24LC256, 24LC512, 24LC1025 24AA02, 24AA08, 24AA16, 24AA64, 24AA256, 24AA512, 24AA1025
STM32F103C8T6自编简单中断程序,以及中断优先级,每行代码都有中文注释,十分好理解(void EXTI_Configuration(void) { EXTI_InitTypeDef EXTI_InitStructure EXTI_ClearITPendingBit(EXTI_Line8) GPIO_EXTILineConfig(GPIO_PortSourceGPIOB, GPIO_PinSource8) EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Line EXTI_Line8 EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Mode EXTI_Mode_Interrupt EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_Trigger EXTI_Trigger_Falling EXTI_InitStructure.EXTI_LineCmd ENABLE EXTI_Init(&EXTI_InitStructure) })
LPC824官方固件库,可以很好的帮助初学者,对LPC800系列入门(LPC824 official firmware library)
ESP8266模块用STM32F407发送和接收的代码,代码配置为AP模式和Server,通信非常方便(The ESP8266 module sends and receives STM32F407 codes. Source using AP mode, and configured as Server, communication is very convenient)