▍1. TI单相逆变器
ti官方单相并网逆变器PCB,原理图,程序,核心板原理图暂时还没开源,核心板用的是TI的F28379D controlCARD for C2000 Real time control development kits,淘宝有的卖, PCB 和 原理图是altium的 Hardware Features Baseboard with interface to accept HSEC180 controlCARDs 380V DC input, 110Vrms 60Hz or 220Vrms 50Hz output Voltage Source and Grid Connected modes 98% peak efficiency Low total harmonic distortion (THD) <1% for linear loads and <3% for typical non linear loads(Hardware Features Baseboard with interface to accept HSEC180 controlCARDs 380V DC input, 110Vrms 60Hz or 220Vrms 50Hz output Voltage Source and Grid Connected modes 98% peak efficiency Low total harmonic distortion (THD) <1% for linear loads and <3% for typical non linear loads)