▍1. gprs
基于ARM210平台-GSM300-gprs程序(linux)(ARM210-based platform-GSM300-gprs program (linux))
基于ARM210平台-GSM300-gprs程序(linux)(ARM210-based platform-GSM300-gprs program (linux))
基于ARM210平台-GSM300-gprs程序(linux)(ARM210-based platform-GSM300-gprs program (linux))
很有价值的消回音降噪语音处理芯片,具体技术支持请联系郭生13189769580(Valuable noise reduction echo cancellation voice processing chip, specific technical support, please contact Guo Sheng 13189769580)
TI OMAP系列PWM模块板级驱动补丁(TI OMAP series chips PWM module BSP driver patch)
嵌入式C的基础知识以及精华部分,里面还涉及到一些操作实践。知识讲述得挺清楚的(The basics of embedded C, and the best part, which also involves some operating practices. Knowledge about quite clear.)
S3C2410 touch panel TouchPanel----触摸屏实验(S3C2410 touch panel)
linux的多进程处理与调度,处理阻塞与非阻塞(linux multi-process handling and scheduling, handle blocking and non-blocking)
嵌入式linux的简单的文件编程3 (Simple embedded linux file programming 3 )
linux下视频传输代码,使用套接字编程(Linux under the video transmission code,use socket)
针对友善之臂mini2440开发板编译好的Linux内核,可直接移植到mini2440开发板,只要再弄好根文件系统便可以启动。(Friendly arm mini2440 development board to compile a good Linux kernel, can be directly ported to the mini2440 development board, we can start to get another good root file system.)
《嵌入式Linux应用程序开发详解》 写得不错的一本书,比较适合嵌入式Linux的入门人员学习,一步一步把你引入Linux的世界(比较针对嵌入式Linux开发的初学者,若想从头学习完整的Linux操作系统,可选择《鸟哥的Linux私房菜》这本书)。(" Embedded Linux application development detailed a well-written book, more suitable for embedded Linux Getting Started to learn, step by step, you introduce the world of Linux (compare for beginners embedded Linux development, if you want to start from scratch learning complete Linux operating system, select " Just Linux private kitchens" in this book).)
嵌入式linux基本内核模块,输入输出子系统框架程序,内核模块的基本框架(Embedded linux kernel module, the input-output subsystem framework program, the basic framework of the kernel module)
嵌入式系统摄像头的源代码 使用 v4l,可以用于 sc4400, ralink AP 等(webcam code base by v4l for embed system, can used for sc4400 )
wifi小车 RG100A_DB120专用固件集成ser2net等,已设置ser2net开机自启,默认的是301摄像头(the wifi car RG100A_DB120 special firmware integrated ser2net has been set boot from Kai ser2net, the default is 301 camera)
linux环境下的AV测试代码,非常好用,欢迎下载使用。(the AV test code in the linux environment, very easy to use, welcome to download.)
嵌入式linux系统下对USB摄相头的应用程序。主要实现通过USB摄相头抓取100张照片并存储为JPG文件的程序。(linux USB)
嵌入式家园:www.embedclub.com 上海嵌入式家园-开发板商城: http://embedclub.taobao.com 2011年成功推出【申嵌视频-mini2440篇】之后,受到广大嵌入式爱好者的一致好评,帮助无数初学者走上嵌入式研发岗位,应广大ARM11开发板客户的邀请,上海嵌入式家园-开发板商城特与上海申嵌信息科技有限公司继续合作,针对广州友善之臂计算机有限公司mini6410/tiny6410开发板,联合制作完成嵌入式培训视频讲座:【申嵌视频-mini6410/tiny6410篇】. 本压缩包内容为:【申嵌视频- mini6410/tiny6410基础篇】下载链接。 此申嵌视频禁止用于商业目的教学和销售,广大嵌入式初学者可以用于学习和开发使用。 (SQTEK embedded Linux traning video based on mini2440 board.)
这个文档非常经典的介绍了关于嵌入式开发的一些精髓,非常适合初学者(This document is the classic description of some of the essence on embedded development, is very suitable for beginners)
模仿linux下的ls功能,显示文件属性(Mimic the "ls" functionality under linux display file attributes)