▍1. 双目匹配算法
创建一个单链表,其数据元素为整数,从键盘输入,输入0结束(注意0不放到链表内); 2)从键盘任意输入一个整数,在单链表中查询该数,如果单链表中已经存在这个数,就调用删除函数,删除该元素所在结点,并将单链表在删除前后的数据元素依次输出到屏幕上; 如果单链表中不存在这个数,就调用插入函数,将这个数插入到单链表尾,并将单链表在插入前后的数据元素依次输出到屏幕上。
Kernel-Based-Object-Tracking ============================ REQUIREMENTS: + OpenCV 2.2 or above (originally developed on OpenCV 2.3.1) + This a Visual Studio 2010 project with OpenCV 2.3.1 linked. To use on other platforms use only main.cpp with "conio" and "getch" removed. This project is the C++ implementation of kernel based object tracking as discussed by Visvanathan Ramesh, Dorin Comaniciu & Peter Meer in their paper "Kernel-Based Object Tracking". In this project the objects are represented by their color histograms weighted by isotropic kernel. Targets (or objects) are compared in subsequent frames to calculate Bhattacharya distance which is then used to move the tracked using mean shift. Ceck out the result video - http://youtu.be/Ng8H-mjs62Y
一款基于STC单片机的四轴飞行器,内含PCB 原理图 及程序,这是STC官方提供的资料,供大家参考学习。
操作系统进程检测死锁模拟银行家算法,安全性算法-operating system simulation process Deadlock Detection Algorithm bankers, security algorithm
第一次写C++课设 比较手生 多见谅 此次的课设用的是VS2017写的要是用Cood::blocks的话就只要用里面的代码就好了
Encrypt and decrypt DataSets to XML files .This class lib allows encrypting DataSets to XML files and reading them back. A Win Form app is included as a showcase.
认知无线网络可以通过允许第二个人访问光谱资源改进光谱的效率,但是也带来了新的问题,在未来的无线网络设计上是一个挑战。这里,我们调查了资源分配问题, 尤其是考虑了在认知无线网络的继电器网络中的比例公平调度