▍1. 车牌定位系统程序
车牌识别程序源码,很有用的!我也是从网上下载下来的,不过我自已做了些修改!(plates source identification procedures, very useful! I also downloaded from the Internet, but I do own some changes!)
车牌识别程序源码,很有用的!我也是从网上下载下来的,不过我自已做了些修改!(plates source identification procedures, very useful! I also downloaded from the Internet, but I do own some changes!)
说明: 能实现图像的分割和识别,能够区分开近似颜色区域的影响(this code can perform image crop and recongition)
能实现图像的分割和识别,能够区分开近似颜色区域的影响(this code can perform image crop and recongition)
imx377 手册 imx377 datasheet imx377 datasheet(imx377datashee, imx377datasheet,imx377datasheet)
说明: imx377 手册 imx377 datasheet imx377 datasheet(imx377datashee, imx377datasheet,imx377datasheet)
均值方差与协方差 协方差矩阵、特征值与特征向量的提取、PCA原理 人脸识别算法之EigenFace、LBPH 人脸识别应用开发案例(Mean Variance and Covariance Covariance Matrix, Extraction of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, PCA Principle EigenFace and LBPH of Face Recognition Algorithms Case Study of Face Recognition Application Development)
说明: 均值方差与协方差 协方差矩阵、特征值与特征向量的提取、PCA原理 人脸识别算法之EigenFace、LBPH 人脸识别应用开发案例(Mean Variance and Covariance Covariance Matrix, Extraction of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, PCA Principle EigenFace and LBPH of Face Recognition Algorithms Case Study of Face Recognition Application Development)
图像识别算法,使用点阵方式识别图片,借用Tessnet2.zip 组件,用来进行图片文字/图片数字识别(Tessnet2.zip use to be Image recognise)
说明: 图像识别算法,使用点阵方式识别图片,借用Tessnet2.zip 组件,用来进行图片文字/图片数字识别(Tessnet2.zip use to be Image recognise)
一个简单的例子,演示如果通过VC使用进度条空间(A simple example demonstrates how to use progress bar space through VC)
说明: 一个简单的例子,演示如果通过VC使用进度条空间(A simple example demonstrates how to use progress bar space through VC)
分割区域图像,好滴哦将按计划啊房价跌幅 安防科技来得及(for photo segemetation)
说明: 分割区域图像,好滴哦将按计划啊房价跌幅 安防科技来得及(for photo segemetation)
测试Glew开发环境搭建是否成功,如果您成功的安装了对应的glut和glew库文件。(the test code for glew, to know is it working.)
说明: 测试Glew开发环境搭建是否成功,如果您成功的安装了对应的glut和glew库文件。(the test code for glew, to know is it working.)
平台基于visual studio2015,使用opencv函数实现高斯滤波,进行图像处理(gaussian blur based on opencv)
说明: 平台基于visual studio2015,使用opencv函数实现高斯滤波,进行图像处理(gaussian blur based on opencv)
适用于任意图像中轮廓的直线段检测与描绘,对于公路车道直线检测具有良好效果。(Linear segment detection and description for contours in arbitrary Images,it has good effect for straight line detection of highway lanes.)
说明: 适用于任意图像中轮廓的直线段检测与描绘,对于公路车道直线检测具有良好效果。(Linear segment detection and description for contours in arbitrary Images,it has good effect for straight line detection of highway lanes.)
利用matlab的gui设计的带有输入和输出功能的界面图形,可视性很强,学习非常值得(The interface graphics with input and output functions designed by GUI of MATLAB have strong visibility and worth learning.)