▍1. 织唛缺陷检测
织唛的缺陷检测,主要是运用surf算法进行检测。(Label defect detection)
1.RAW格式转换为BMP格式 2.灰度线性拉伸 3.局部处理 4.几何处理 5.二值化 6.模板匹配 7.影像融合(1.RAW format converted to BMP format 2. grayscale linear stretch 3. local processing 4. geometric processing 5. binaryzation 6. template matching 7. image fusion)
运用基于密度的聚类算法实现了超像素的分割(The segmentation of super pixels is realized by using the clustering algorithm based on density)
车型识别图像处理MATLAB代码可运行适合新手入门只用(car recognization adapted rookie study playplay)
点云关键点搜索,根据曲率极值法搜索关键点(PCL:keypoint detection, used for registration and segmentation)
通过对图像加燥,运用叠加运算对加燥后的图像进行去燥处理(Removal of Gauss noise by addition operation)
在已知高度的情况下利用单目视觉摄像头来进行定位。(Positioning with a monocular vision camera at a given height)
在VS2012平台上利用C++语言和opencv实现对图像的分块,并保存分块图像(Using the C++ language and OpenCV to block the image on the VS2012 platform and save the block image)
本工程在C6678上实现了BMP图像的读取,滤波,锐化等操作。可以作为多核DSP图像处理的资料,自己在CCS6平台上测试验证没有问题(This project has realized the reading, filtering and sharpening of the BMP image on C6678. It can be used as a multi-core DSP image processing data, and to test validation on the CCS6 platform)
一幅大小为256×256的256级灰度图像(每像素8bit) 如果图像的各个像素之间是统计独立的,求该图像的信息熵 -离散无记忆信源 如果图像的各个像素之间不是统计独立的,求该图像的信息熵 -图像像素的概率分布模型(A 256 gray scale image (8bit per pixel) with a size of 256 x 256 If each pixel of the image is statistically independent, the information entropy of the image is calculated Discrete memoryless source If each pixel of the image is not statistically independent, the information entropy of the image is calculated Probability distribution model of image pixels)
立体匹配中的单目标定,输入图片,得出结果,官方实例(Monocular calibration)
windows下c++鱼眼校正,debug内exe可直接运行看结果。内附参考文献,更详细文献可见论文《超大广角畸变图像的校正和展开》。(C++ fisheye correction under windows, debug within exe can run directly to see the results. With reference to the literature, more detailed literature can be seen in the paper "super wide-angle distortion image correction and expansion".)
pcl 3d 文件格式转换,点云读取与显示(PCL 3D file format conversion, point cloud reading and display)
一个用VC编的混沌图像加密程序,演示了如何读写图像,如何用混沌算法加密解密。(a program for encrypting image by chaos algorithm,based on VC.)
opencv读取一个视频并设置其播放帧率播放速度(use opencv to read a video and change the rate)
常用数字图像处理,图像变换等功能的实现,锐化平滑等算法(digital image processing)