▍1. CZT
CZT变换进行信号频谱分析,解决了FFT法频域分辨不高的问题,源码开发,特别适用(Chirp Z Transform)
CZT变换进行信号频谱分析,解决了FFT法频域分辨不高的问题,源码开发,特别适用(Chirp Z Transform)
说明: 图像处理软件含帮助。毕业设计,旋转,线性变换,灰化,平滑,滤镜,反相等,功能全面!(image processing software with help. Graduation design, rotary, linear transformation, ash, smooth, filter, anti-equal, full functions!)
Jpeg2000静态库,只需Encoder和Decoder两个函数轻松搞定Jpeg2000和Bitmap的转换,带示范程序,非常有用(Jpeg2000 static libraries, Encoder and Decoder only two functions easy to get and Bitmap Jpeg2000 The change model procedures with very useful)
2014年海康威视校招笔试题,对于想要从事图像处理工作的同学十分有用,图像处理算法类试题,考的是C语言和C++.图像算法类题目不常见。(2014 Hikivision exam)
在桌面上显示图像,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的学习资料。(Image display on the desktop, C++Builder select learning programming source code, very good learning materials.)
在桌面上显示图像,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的学习资料。(Image display on the desktop, C++Builder select learning programming source code, very good learning materials.)
检测鼠标信息,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Detecting mouse information, C++Builder select learning programming source code, a good reference.)
检测鼠标信息,C++Builder精选编程学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Detecting mouse information, C++Builder select learning programming source code, a good reference.)
Log整合功能. 自動整理紀錄檔部份檔案.(Log Arrange. Auto Message.)
Log整合功能. 自動整理紀錄檔部份檔案.(Log Arrange. Auto Message.)
利用BCB编程,实现JPEG图像选择加载功能,并在TChart控件上显示图像的灰度直方图(The use of the BCB programming, loaded JPEG image selection and image histogram on in TChart controls)
隐马尔科夫工具箱,设置路径后直接使用。在MATLAB中实现。(Hidden Markov toolbox, set path directly. Implemented in MATLAB.)
可以在程式畫面上任意畫圖寫字並且可清除再任意使用(Can any drawing program screens and write and to clear any longer use)
indexation suit tuto of indexation for images
Understand state-of-the-art techniques for photorealistic rendering Become conversant with cutting edge graphics literature Hands-on exploration of one (or more) of the techniques encountered (a project). Learning and using raytracing to generate amazing pictures. Possibly extend one of the studied techniques, implement new ones
滑动聚束FMCW_SAR的子孔径成像算法Spotlight FMCW_SAR sliding sub-aperture algorithm(Spotlight FMCW_SAR sliding sub-aperture algorithm)
This codes can be usefull many people. image is converting gray mode
四个IMAGE窗口,分别对图像进行读取,最大值滤波,最小值滤波及中值滤波。(Four IMAGE window, read the image, respectively, maximum filter, the minimum filter and median filter.)
图像灰度化处理、图像柔和处理、图像锐化处理(Grayscale image processing, image gentle processing, image sharpening)
用YCbCr看histogram 並將 圖片除存(Use YCbCR to look histogram)