▍1. DHT11
MSP430F5529驱动DHT11,并用带字库的JLX12864显示(MSP430F5529 driver DHT11, and use the font JLX12864 display)
MSP430F5529驱动DHT11,并用带字库的JLX12864显示(MSP430F5529 driver DHT11, and use the font JLX12864 display)
此程序为利用Kinect v2实现用手指隔空控制鼠标,效果非常好。 运行环境 Kinect for Windows V2 Kinect SDK 2.0 OpenCV 3.0(This program is implemented with the use of Kinect v2 finger Taking control the mouse, the effect is very good. Operating environment Kinect for Windows V2 Kinect SDK 2.0 OpenCV 3.0)
① 设计进程控制块PCB表结构,分别适用于优先数调度算法和循环轮转调度算法。 ②建立进程就绪队列。对两种不同算法编制入队子程序。 ③编制两种进程调度算法:1)优先数调度;2)循环轮转调度 (① design process control block PCB table structure, respectively, for priority scheduling algorithm and round-robin scheduling algorithm. ② establish a process ready queue. Two different algorithms for the preparation of subroutine into the team. ③ preparing two kinds of process scheduling algorithm: 1) priority scheduling 2) round-robin scheduling)
SSD6实验,该实验练习指导如何分析测量程序的性能。这个实验完成后,你应该能够 理解如何测量程序的运行时间、 调整你的计划,以更快的知道的重要性(This laboratory exercises guide you how to measure the program’s performance using profiling. On completion of this laboratory, you should be able to Understand how to measure the program’s running time Be aware the importance of tuning your program to be faster)
cy7c68001驱动程序,主要用于这个usb芯片的驱动(CY7C68001 driver chips used mainly for the usb driver)
BlueCore4 Datasheet BC417143 ·APF有源滤波控制器程序,因为改代码 ·利用51单片机实现DS1302的驱动,以C ·利用STM8L实现诺基亚5110液晶的驱动 ·盛群单片机指令集:简体中文,PDF格 ·SHT11 程序,I2C总线方式。写I2C时 ·7寸彩屏 STM32的固件库3.5 FSMC驱动 ·一种伺服电机的PID控制算法,可以完 ·基于Atmega16单片机的机器人行走、 ·51单片机驱动2.6英寸触摸液晶屏幕, ·stm32 pwm 固件库 大连理工大学 信 ·无线传感网络基础 wireless sensor ·LPC11u14芯片的系统时钟驱动
6自由度机械臂从臂的控制程序,实现主从臂遥操作控制。(6 DOF manipulator arm the control program, using the integrated cards.)
IEC104规约Server和Client端的源码实现,遥信,遥测,遥调,遥控,总召等等都有,很有参考价值(IEC104 Statute of the Server and Client client source code implementation, remote, telemetry, remote adjustment, remote control, and so have the church always, a good reference value)
一个数字梯形,选择k条路线,每条路线从第一层的某个数开始,每次进入下一层到达左下或者右下的数字,直到最后一层为止。每条路线不能经过相同的路径,但是可以经过相同的数字节点。 输出一个整数,表示能得到的最大的k条路径经过的数字之和(A digital ladder, the K route, each route the first layer of a number, each time to enter the next layer to reach the left or right next to the number, until the final layer. Each route can not pass through the same path, but can pass through the same number of nodes. Output an integer representing the sum of the number of the largest K paths that can be obtained)
GT400运动控制系统上位机轮廓插补控制程序(GT400 motion control system host computer contour interpolation control procedures)
BH1750FVI光照度传感器在12864液晶上的显示(BH1750FVI light sensor on the 12864 LCD display)
液晶240*128驱动 用的是PIC单片机 但是可以改 51单片机 里面驱动都一样 就是 拿过来就可以用 (LCD 240* 128 drive using a PIC microcontroller, but can be changed inside the microcomputer 51 is to take over the same driver can be used)
STM32F1与FPGA通过SPI进行通信,我上传的是32部分的程序,已经通过串口测试成功。此程序可拓展为和单片机,DSP通过SPI进行通信(STM32F1 and FPGA communication through the SPI, I uploaded the 32 part of the procedure has been successfully tested through the serial port. This program can be extended to and single-chip, DSP communication through the SPI)
240128液晶驱动的测试程序,c语言编写(240,128 LCD driver testing procedures, c language)
基于示波法的电子血压计程序,包括脉搏测量。控制器采用STM32F103C8T6。包含数据核心算法程序。( Based oscillography electronic sphygmomanometer procedures, including pulse measurements. Controller uses STM32F103C8T6. It contains data core algorithm program.)
通过单片机实现哈希函数SHA-1,C源程序完全可用,已经测试,外部加密芯片采用DS28E01-100(MCU hash function SHA-1, C source code fully available, and has been tested external encryption chip uses DS28E01-100)
飞思卡尔单片机锁相环程序,详细说明了锁相环的配置步骤以及计算方法(Freescale MCU PLL procedures, a detailed description of the PLL configuration steps and calculation methods)
飞思卡尔单片机锁相环程序,详细说明了锁相环的配置步骤以及计算方法(Freescale MCU PLL procedures, a detailed description of the PLL configuration steps and calculation methods)
本系统以单片机AT89C52为核心,以数模转换器DAC0832实现方波、正弦波、三角波、锯齿波波形的输出,实现信号发生器的简易功能。(This system with single chip microcomputer AT89C52 as the core, with digital to analog converter DAC0832 achieve square wave, sine wave, triangle wave, sawtooth wave form output, realize the simple function of the signal generator.)
根据设计任务书的要求,本次设计为110kV 变电站电气一次部分初步设计,并绘 制电气主接线图及其他图纸。该变电站设有两台主变压器,站内主接线分为110kV、 35kV 和10kV 三个电压等级。各个电压等级分别采用单母线分段接线、单母线分段带 旁母接线和单母线分段接线(From the guide of engineering design assignment, we have to design primary power-system of 110kV substation and draw main electrical one-line diagram and others. There are two main transformer in the substation in which main electrical connection can be divided into three voltage grades: 110kV, 35kV with 10kV.It deposits sectionalized single bus bar scheme, sectionalized single and transfer bus bar and sectionalized single bus bar scheme per grade.)