▍1. CC-Link
三菱CCLINK教程PPT,主要用于进行通信设置,程序编程讲解(Mitsubishi CCLINK tutorial PPT, mainly used for communication settings, programming explained)
三菱CCLINK教程PPT,主要用于进行通信设置,程序编程讲解(Mitsubishi CCLINK tutorial PPT, mainly used for communication settings, programming explained)
清华大学关于MapReduce的公开课的课件(courseware of MapReduce open class in Qsinghua University)
北大群论讲义,作为老师讲的讲义,还算通俗易懂。(North group theory lectures, as teacher handouts, fairly easy to understand.)
北大群论讲义,作为老师讲的讲义,还算通俗易懂。(North group theory lectures, as teacher handouts, fairly easy to understand.)
关于空间调制的PPT,自己做的,老师已经审核过了(About spatial modulation of PPT, do it yourself, school teacher reviewed the)
雷达对抗原理-该ppt详细地介绍了雷达电子战原理,详细地介绍了雷达各种干扰的形成机理以及对抗方法(Radar principle Zhao Guoqing)
说明: 介绍EKF和UKF理论及其区别,通俗易懂。 (Introduced EKF and UKF theory and its distinction, easy to understand.)
胡广书的《现代信号处理教程》ppt文件,相当于电子版本了,因为很全面(Hu-book " Modern Signal Processing Guide" ppt files, the equivalent of an electronic version, because it is comprehensive)
PPT for business office, simple style, suitable for many occasions
说明: PPT for business office, simple style, suitable for many occasions
计算机控制课件,帮助你认识计算机控制方面知识(Computer control courseware to help you understand the knowledge of computer control)
大学本科的GIS课件,对地理信息系统的学科有很全面的介绍,也相应的给了很多资源,对本科阶段的GIS学习有一定的帮助。(Undergraduate GIS courseware, the Geographic Information System has a very comprehensive introduction to the subject, but also a corresponding to a lot of resources, undergraduate stage of the GIS study has some help.)
AMTI和GMTI雷达的空时自适应处理 林肯实验室关于STAP的演讲ppt,关于机载空时自适应处理方面的珍贵资料(《Space-Time Adaptive Processing for AMTI and GMTI Radar》 by Lincoln Laboratory. It is valuable article for airborne radar in STAP)
雷达原理(第三版)丁鹭飞,雷达研究领域经典的基础类教材。文件包括各章的PPT以及PDF格式的电子全书。方便快速查阅和仔细研读相关知识。(The book, Radar Principles (3rd edition) by Ding Lufei, is a classical fundamental teaching material in the field of Radar research. The package includes PPT file of each chapter and the detailed e-book in pdf-format, which is very convnient for fast looking for or close reading up related knowledge.)
一个牛人写的关于压缩感知的PPT,浅显易懂的介绍了压缩感知的知识,对于初步学习压缩感知理论的新人比较有用。(Written by a cow on compressed sensing PPT, easy to understand introduced knowledge of compressed sensing, preliminary study for the compressed sensing theory of new more useful. )
信号与系统 陈后金 PPT 本科研究生都能用上(signal and system chen houjin PPT for student and soon)
本人参加国际会议做的一个海报,需安装PPT 2003和LaTeX,才能编辑,适合会用LaTeX的同学,不会用LaTeX的同学,可以参考一下海报设计,因为我还上传了一个图片。(Attach is a poster I made for an international conference in PPT format. One should open and eidit it in PC which Latex is also installed. For students who can not use Latex may take the design for reference, cause I also upload a Jepg picture.)