▍1. xunlian
对于OFDM系统,对信道进行估计,编写信道训练序列来进行估计(For the OFDM system, we estimate the channel and compile the channel training sequence to estimate it.)
对于OFDM系统,对信道进行估计,编写信道训练序列来进行估计(For the OFDM system, we estimate the channel and compile the channel training sequence to estimate it.)
说明: 高斯混合模型应用于信号特征分析、特征提取。(Application of Gaussian mixture model to signal feature analysis and feature extraction)
matlab程序应用之预测,分数阶灰色系统预测(Prediction of MATLAB program application, fractional grey system prediction)
基于交替方向乘子法的二次规划问题求解,解决一般的二次规划问题(Based on alternating direction multiplier method for solving quadratic programming problems, to solve the general quadratic programming problem)
说明: 基于高阶累积量来实现调制信号识别,包含了matlab中用于高阶累积量的工具包(Modulation signal recognition based on higher-order cumulant)
非线性降维, 使用者必须自己准备数据,可以对立面的参数进行修改(nonlinear dimesion reduction,This package is free for academic usage. You can run it at your own risk.)
说明: 基于韦伯能量法计算齿轮时变啮合刚度,具有很高的实用性(time-varying stiffness)
Duffing方程是描述共振现象、调和振动、次调和振动、拟周期振动、概周期振动、奇异吸引子和混沌现象(或随机过程)的简单数学模型。因此,在非线性振动理论中研究,Duffing方程具有重要的意义。(duffing equation slove procedure)
基于偏微分方程的图像修复毕业论文,附录为源代码程序(Image restoration thesis based on partial differential equation, appendix to source code)
说明: 本代码运用自适应动态规划理论,结合BP神经网络,设计实现多智能体系统的一致控制。其中的控制率是由HDP框架的BP神经网络基于智能体的实时状态数据自适应产生的。(leader-following consensus by adaptive dynamic programming)
VD-KALMAN滤波,可以参考文献李勇的MATLAB一书(VD-KALMAN filtering, you can reference MATLAB Li Yong, one of the book)
说明: IE卡尔曼滤波实验代码,参考文献:Chan, Y.T., Hu, A.G.C., and Plant, J.B. (1979) A Kalman filter based tracking scheme with input estimation. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Mar. 1979, AES-15, 237-244(Input Estimation kalman)
说明: 该模型是运用模糊控制simulink实现小车倒车入库的动画演示(The model is an animation demonstration of car parking by fuzzy control simulink)
说明: 基于MATLAB的四旋翼无人机PD轨迹跟踪算法,能较好地实现轨迹跟踪(PD trajectory tracking algorithm of four rotor UAV Based on Matlab can achieve better trajectory tracking)
说明: 蝙蝠算法优化ELM,是一种比较新的优化算法,希望可以借鉴下(Bat algorithm optimization elm)