▍1. huang
说明: 可以与ABAQUS接口联合,从微观角度模拟晶体的各种行为(It can be combined with ABAQUS interface to simulate various behaviors of crystals from a microscopic point of view.)
说明: 经典的黄永刚晶体塑性有限元子程序以及相关inp文件,可直接运行(crystal plastic finite element subroutine and related inp file)
说明: 一维transport方程利用dg方法数值模拟(Numerical simulation of one-dimensional transport equation using DG method)
Thermal- Plastic- Creep- Damage Coupling Constitutive Model(Thermal- Plastic- Creep- Damage Coupling Constitutive Model for abaqus)
说明: Thermal- Plastic- Creep- Damage Coupling Constitutive Model(Thermal- Plastic- Creep- Damage Coupling Constitutive Model for abaqus)
说明: friction lagrang sabrotin link abaqus
内聚力的循环本构开发,新的UEL单元,比较复杂,很难学会的(Cyclic constitutive development of cohesion)
说明: 内聚力的循环本构开发,新的UEL单元,比较复杂,很难学会的(Cyclic constitutive development of cohesion)
采用三维hashin失效准则,判断复合材料渐进损伤(Judge progressive damage of composite material)
说明: 采用三维hashin失效准则,判断复合材料渐进损伤(Judge progressive damage of composite material)
说明: this is fortran napl simulator example done by EPA