▍1. 网络视频电话系统
一个简单的网络视频电话系统,仅供学习交流(A simple network video telephone system for learning communication)
一个简单的网络视频电话系统,仅供学习交流(A simple network video telephone system for learning communication)
微信跳一跳stm32程序,带键盘,得用尺子量,里面有介绍(Intelligent rc522 water card, with PC end software, MCU used is stm32)
计算电厂经济性指标,学生课设作品,如有错误概不负责(To calculate the economic index of the power plant, the students are set up in the class and are not responsible for the mistakes.)
Plugin MirageTeam 0.97d server files for .dll
说明: 项目管理运用,基于C++语言环所编写的,进行相关需求分析(The application of project management, based on the C++ language loop, carries out the related requirements analysis)
分数重载,实现分数的加减乘除运算,实现分数重载(The heavey fraction,add,subtract,multipy and divide operations)
基于dos界面实现俄罗斯方块游戏,可以实现双人对战,调节游戏模式等多种趣味功能。支持播放背景音乐、记录玩家分数。(Based on the DOS interface, the Russian square game can be realized, which can realize the double fight, adjust the game mode and other interesting functions. Support to play background music, record player scores.)
cdib类实现图片的二值化,底片化,用vc++打开即可使用(CDIB class realization of two values of pictures, negatives)
用于20以内的常见进制转换,二进制、八进制、十进制、十六进制的相互转换。(Common base conversion for less than 20.)
通过使用stm32,自主研发的自助视力检测仪器压缩包为stm32的程序(Through the use of STM32, self developed self-help vision testing instrument compresses the package of STM32.)
通过电力载波控制灯的亮灭,主从的设计,功能简单且容易实现(control the street lamo by power-line carrier technolgy with C51 MCU)
基于wosa协议的驱动开发需要安装的相关管理工具(Related management tools that need to be installed on the driver development based on WOSA protocol)
基于dsp28377,带有死区pwm的产生的工程文件。(Engineering files based on dsp28377, with dead zone PWM)
用mfc编的一款串口调试器,可进行串口通信等一些基础的操作及源码参考。(A serial debugger compiled with MFC)
获取计算机硬件信息的动态链接库,CPU序列号,硬盘序列号,MAC地址等信息 例程: void gethardinfo() { QString str1=""; char buff[1024]; char buff2[1024]; char temp; typedef int (WINAPI ICEPUB_MACHINEGETINFO)(int typeFlag,char *strInfo); ICEPUB_MACHINEGETINFO *icePub_machineGetInfo = 0; HINSTANCE hDLLDrv = LoadLibrary("icePubDll.dll"); if(hDLLDrv) { icePub_machineGetInfo = (ICEPUB_MACHINEGETINFO *)GetProcAddress(hDLLDrv, "icePub_machineGetInfo"); } icePub_machineGetInfo(3,buff); str1=buff; int i=0; int n=0; n=str1.length(); qDebug()<<n; for(i=0;i<n;i+=2) { temp=buff[i]; buff2[i+1]=temp; buff2[i]=buff[i+1]; } QString str2=buff2; qDebug()<<buff2; qDebug()<<str2; }(Access to the computer hardware information dynamic link library, CPU serial number, hard disk serial number, MAC address and other information)
Manual para el uso de la api ZKSoftwareAPI en visual studio
流水灯51单片机用蜂鸣器放音乐的程序,音乐编码有月亮代表我的心,两只蝴蝶等 (51 SCM with buzzer or music program, music encoding the moon represents my heart, two butterflies)((51 SCM with buzzer or music program, music encoding the moon represents my heart, two butterflies))