▍1. PMBOK_5a_Edicao_Portugues-BR
说明: pmbok guide for project
rtret eewq qeqr tytr ettrete
说明: rtret eewq qeqr tytr ettrete
此程序是利用经纬度时间等信息,计算特定时间特定地点的太阳天顶角。(This program uses information such as latitude and longitude time to calculate the solar zenith angle at a specific location at a specific time.)
说明: 此程序是利用经纬度时间等信息,计算特定时间特定地点的太阳天顶角。(This program uses information such as latitude and longitude time to calculate the solar zenith angle at a specific location at a specific time.)
There is a new PULL SDK version that is necessary to connect with all controllers produced from middle of 2016. This new SDK is also compatible with previous controllers.
说明: There is a new PULL SDK version that is necessary to connect with all controllers produced from middle of 2016. This new SDK is also compatible with previous controllers.
this file is Halcon 12 version installation guide
说明: this file is Halcon 12 version installation guide
MATLAB Production ServerR2017ainwin64 etapi32.dll, 108032 , 2016-10-04 R2017ainwin64 etapi32.dll, 108032 , 2016-10-04 license_server.lic, 18199 , 2017-03-22 license_standalone.lic, 18056 , 2017-03-21 readme.txt, 948 , 2015-10-14 MATLAB Production ServerR2017ainwin64, 0 , 2017-03-22