▍1. cut_image.py
说明: 车道线检测方法,包括对直行、拐弯车道线的代码描述(Lane line detection)
说明: 车道线检测方法,包括对直行、拐弯车道线的代码描述(Lane line detection)
说明: 使用ABAQUS进行热分析的示例并不多,这个例子展示了使用abaqus计算热应力与温度的详细步骤。(There are not many examples of using ABAQUS for thermal analysis. This example shows the detailed steps of using ABAQUS to calculate thermal stress and temperature.)
说明: 方块图,CDF,相关性,协方差,假设检验。(Box plot, CDF, correlation, covariance, hypothesis testing.)
说明: 西科大Python实验第五次实验的四个项目,是大三上学期课程的项目(Python fifth project)
说明: 读写音频实现。利用python代码,可以很方便的分析出音频参数。(about read sound, we can know the paragramme of sound.)
说明: EXAMPLE OF PSSE simulations and python scripting (Wind Energy)
说明: EXAMPLE OF PSSE simulations and python scripting (solar PV)
说明: EXAMPLE OF PSSE simulations and python scripting (IEEE 14 SYSTEM)
说明: EXAMPLE OF PSSE simulations and python scripting (IEEE 9 SYSTEM)
说明: IDL解析OMI数据并制作全球臭氧柱总量图 python解析OMI数据并制作中国区域图。(IDL parses OMI data and maps the global ozone column.)
说明: 本书的存在归功于网络及自由软件运动所实现的合作方式。它的三位作者---一位大学教授、一位高中老师,以及一位专业程序设计师---尚未见过面,但是我们已经能够紧密合作,并且受到许多愿意付出时间与心力的杰出人士帮助,使得这本书更臻完善。(TThe Book owes its existence to the collaborative approach of the Internet and the Free Software Movement. Its three authors, a university professor, a high school teacher, and a professional programmer, have yet to meet, but we have been able to work closely together and have been helped by many outstanding people who are willing to devote their time and effort to making the book more perfect.)
说明: 这是一本学习神经网络的书籍,本书用讲故事的方式娓娓道来,浅显易懂,适合小白。(This is a book on learning neural networks. It tells stories in a way that is easy to understand and suitable for Xiaobai.)
说明: MTCNN,Multi-task convolutional neural network(多任务卷积神经网络),将人脸区域检测与人脸关键点检测放在了一起,它的主题框架类似于cascade。总体可分为P-Net、R-Net、和O-Net三层网络结构。(MTCNN, Multi-task convolutional neural network (multi-task convolutional neural network), puts face region detection and key point detection together, and its subject framework is similar to cascade. Overall, it can be divided into three layers: P-Net, R-Net and O-Net.)