▍1. kernel-api
kernel-api书籍,英文版,希望对大家有所帮助(kernel-api book, in English, I hope all of you to help)
kernel-api书籍,英文版,希望对大家有所帮助(kernel-api book, in English, I hope all of you to help)
Isaac Newton Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica
Ns于网络模拟,涵盖了网络模拟的基本研究方法,NS软件的基础知识和使用方法技巧(for NS network simulation)
说明: 多生物特征融合身份识别研究。身份识别是当今社会不可避免的一个问题,生物特征身份识别作为一种安全 而有效的手段一直受到广大研究者的重视。针对单模态生物特征身份识别技术 的局限性和实际应用中的各种限制,本论文就最近兴起地基于数据融合技术的 多生物特征身份识别进行了研究和探讨。这项工作虽然还处于刚刚起步阶段, 但是,作为信息安全不可缺少的重要手段,它的研究和应用必将引起大家的重 视而飞速地发展。 (speech paper,help you study)
Tom Mens, Serge Demeyer Software Evolution 2008
华为培训教程,华为内部资料,非常值得一读的。(huawei training book, huawei inner book, it s worth reading.)
印刷电路板的设计布线图设计的基本方法接着,确定印刷电路板所需的尺寸,并按原理图,将各个元器件位置初步确定下来,然后经过不断调整使布局更加合理,印刷电路板中各元件之间的接线安排方式如下:(The design of printed circuit board wiring diagram of the basic methods of design and then to determine the required printed circuit board size, and schematic diagram of the various components to determine the initial position and then continue to adjust after making a more rational layout, printed circuit boards in connection between the components arranged as follows:)
Document CANopen - CiA The CANopen specifications cover of the aplication layer and communication profile (Document CANopen- CiA The CANopen specifications cover of the aplication layer and communication profile )
this book provides the mathematical background for curves and surfaces
计算几何,英文版,写的十分详细,适合初学者入门学习,老手也可丛中学到不少知识(Computational geometry, English, written in great detail, suitable for beginners study entry, a pair of veterans may also learn a lot of knowledge)
几篇当前主成分分析与核主成分分析的英文文献.(Several current principal component analysis and kernel principal component analysis )
手机的防静电设计,普通芯片的内部防静电只有2000V,如果得到更高的防静电效果,8000V,15000V等。(Cell phone anti-static design, the general chip' s internal anti-static only 2000V, if the effect of higher anti-static, 8000V, 15000V, etc..)
TMS320C55x DSP Library Programmer s Reference (TMS320C55x DSP Library Programmer s Reference)
是一些 数字相关法的论文 1.FFT法与数字相关法在相位测量上的比较.pdf 2.采用数字相关法测量相位差.pdf 3.基于FFT谱分析算法的高精度相位差测量方法.pdf 4.基于Hilbert变换的相位测量法与数字相关测相法的比较.pdf 5.基于虚拟仪器技术和互相关原理的相位测量仪.pdf 6.数字化相位差测量算法的研究.pdf 7.相位差的数字化测量研究.pdf 8.虚拟仪器测量周期信号相位的仿真设计.pdf(Are some figures related to law 1.FFT law and the number of papers related to phase measurement in comparison. Pdf2. Using digital correlation method phase. Pdf3. Algorithm based on FFT spectral analysis phase of high-precision measurement method. Pdf4. Based on Hilbert transform phase measurement method and the number of relevant comparison test phase. pdf5. Based on Virtual Instrument Technology and inter-related principles of the phase measurement. pdf6. digitized phase measurement algorithm. pdf7. phase of digital measurement. pdf8 . virtual instrument measurement of periodic signal design phase of the simulation. pdf)
farsightwince入门教程,比较适合初学者(Tutorial farsightwince more suitable for beginners)
讲述黑客攻防的各类技巧,内容多而全,细读一遍后你会知道很多黑客知识.(Hackers on the types of offensive and defensive skills, and the entire contents, read on it you will know that a lot of hacking knowledge.)
中小学教学资料1000篇(pdf)主要针对教师的教学经验、工作总结和相关教学的论文。(Teaching and learning materials in primary and secondary schools 1000 (pdf) mainly for teachers of teaching experience, and summing up the work of teaching and related papers.)
一个关与运算放大器的稳定的研究文章,这是第六部分。(Op amp with a clearance of a stable research papers, this is Part VI.)