▍1. lessgo-master
Lessgo 是一款 Go 语言编写的简单、稳定、高效、灵活的 web 完全开发框架。它的项目组织形式经过精心设计,实现前后端分离、系统与业务分离,完美兼容MVC与MVVC等多种开发模式,非常利于企业级应用与API接口的开发。当然,最值得关注的是它突破性地支持了运行时路由重建,开发者可在Admin后台轻松实现启用/禁用模块与操作,添加/移除中间件等功能!同时,它推荐以HandlerFunc与MiddlewareFunc为基础的函数式编程,也令开发变得更加灵活富有趣味性。 此外它也博采众长,核心架构改写自echo v2,数据库内置为xorm,模板引擎内置为pongo2,其他某些功能模块改写自beego以及其他优秀开源项目。(Lessgo is a simple, stable, efficient and flexible web development framework written in Go language. Its project organization form is carefully designed to achieve front-end and back-end separation, system and business separation, perfect compatibility with MVC and MVVC and other development modes, which is very conducive to the development of enterprise application and API interface. Of course, the most notable thing is its breakthrough support for runtime routing reconstruction. Developers can easily enable/disable modules and operations, add/remove middleware and other functions in the Admin background. At the same time, it recommends functional programming based on Handler Func and Middleware Func, which makes development more flexible and interesting.)