▍1. 傅里叶级数圆动画
可以通过画出傅里叶级数圆的动画,帮助加深对傅里叶级数的理解,并且有详细的注释。(By drawing the Fourier series circle animation, we can help deepen the understanding of Fourier series, and have detailed annotations.)
可以通过画出傅里叶级数圆的动画,帮助加深对傅里叶级数的理解,并且有详细的注释。(By drawing the Fourier series circle animation, we can help deepen the understanding of Fourier series, and have detailed annotations.)
说明: 可以通过画出傅里叶级数圆的动画,帮助加深对傅里叶级数的理解,并且有详细的注释。(By drawing the Fourier series circle animation, we can help deepen the understanding of Fourier series, and have detailed annotations.)
说明: 《智能优化算法及其MATLAB实例(第2版)》是2018年电子工业出版社出版的图书,图书作者是包子阳,余继周,杨杉。(Intelligent optimization algorithm and its MATLAB examples (2nd Edition) is a book published by electronic industry press in 2018, written by Bao Ziyang, Yu Jizhou and Yang Shan.)
说明: 优化算法,状态转移算法,用于求解最小值,算法优化(Optimization algorithms, state transfer algorithms, for solving minima, algorithm optimization)
完整的IMM MATLAB ,kalman目标跟踪(Complete IMM MATLAB, Kalman target tracking)
达芬振子matlab编程相图分叉图庞加莱映射主程序ODE45(Duffing oscillator matlab programming diagram bifurcation diagram)
DAB双移相仿真,原边侧和副边侧有一个移相角,原边侧对应开关管之间也有一个移相角。(DAB dual phase-shifting simulation shows that there is a phase-shifting angle between the primary side and the secondary side, and there is also a phase-shifting angle between the corresponding switches on the primary side)
说明: 压缩感知算法一种,正则化正交匹配追踪(ROMP)(A kind of compressed sensing algorithm, regularized orthogonal matching pursuit (ROMP))
Tikhonov 正则化,正则化病态矩阵,相关ppt(Tikhonov regularization, regularized ill-conditioned matrix)
matlab平台下生成符合幂律分布随机数的程序(generation code of Power law data)
使用双树复小波进行图像的去噪,也是属于小波去噪(Image denoising using dual-tree complex wavelet)
说明: 使用双树复小波进行图像的去噪,也是属于小波去噪(Image denoising using dual-tree complex wavelet)
代码计算幅相误差对MUSIC算法的影响,一共两个.m文件(1.array_am_pha_error_on_music.m 2.error_matrix)
基于梯度下降法的最优迭代算法,在深度学习和神经网络中应用非常广泛,也非常好用(The optimal iterative algorithm based on gradient descent method is widely used in depth learning and neural network, and it is also very useful.)
目标跟踪中各种基础的点迹航迹数据关联算法matlab代码(Matlab code for various basic data association algorithms)