▍1. 这是一个非常实用的网页LOGO。倒影文字
这是一个非常实用的网页LOGO。倒影文字-This is a very useful website logo. Mirror writing
这是一个非常实用的网页LOGO。倒影文字-This is a very useful website logo. Mirror writing
调用三个函数实现求数组中每一行的平均值-Three function calls for implementation of each line array average
泡泡龙大战开始了,只要你能战胜每一关你就会有不可预知的惊喜,快快来吧。-Puzzle Bobble World War started, as long as you can overcome each clearance unpredictable and you will have a pleasant surprise, Come as soon as possible.
很好的一个留言本,虽然不是我原创,可是我觉得对大家很有用处,也很值得学习!-good a voice Though this is not my original, but I think we had some very useful and very worthwhile learning!
protues 远见库 对照表。仿真必备。-protues vision library table. Simulation necessary.
Java 教程与实例,英文版。目录Table of Contents Context Computers and Software systems ComputersSystem Software System Systems programs and systems programmers – a possible source of confusionComputer programming language
MSP430仿真器上EEPROM数据的烧写程序,单片机MSP430F1612。-MSP430 emulator programmer on EEPROM data procedures, microcontroller MSP430F1612.
本程序是读取钱龙股票数据的,是开发股票软件不可缺少的核心。-read Qian Longsheng stock data, the development of software stocks indispensable core.
这是一本能够详细理解关于arm体系结构虚拟内存机制的不可多得的好书!-This is a detailed understanding on the arm architecture virtual memory mechanism for rare books!
在此代码中,我们发现如何写入和读取从 AT24C02,是两线汽车串行 EEPROM 它也是有用的 AT24C01A/04/08/16,只需要改变设备地址
thank you for using this software,which is fugai method,when you can t catch it,please ask me for my help!
这是一款2D物理模拟软件程序,仿制了真实环境物体的各种连接与碰撞效果。 -This is a 2D physics simulation software program, imitation of the real-world objects in a variety of effects connected with the collision.
由给定的多项式生成扩域-given by the generating polynomial expansion Domain
基于jspsmartupload.jar类的jsp图片上传系统,数据库采用MSSQL,支持2级分类,您可以根据需要自己定制为三级。可以设置上传文件大孝文件类型、文件路径、生成缩略图,重命名等操作。jspsmartupload.jar上传组件必须放在tomcatcommonlib下面,或者tomcatsharedlib下面。 数据库在系统里面,自行导入或还原。
it describes program for particle swarm optimization.