▍1. SmoothSlider
VB做的音量均衡器滑块拖动实例,有需要的就下载吧。(VB to do the volume equalizer slider instance, there is a need to download it.)
VB做的音量均衡器滑块拖动实例,有需要的就下载吧。(VB to do the volume equalizer slider instance, there is a need to download it.)
VB做的音量均衡器滑块拖动实例,有需要的就下载吧。(VB to do the volume equalizer slider instance, there is a need to download it.)
在电脑上设计一个倒计时软件,时间到有声音提醒和画面提示,并且可以修改时间。(Design a countdown software, time to sound alerts and screen prompts, and you can modify the time on the computer.)
说明: 本程序演示了如何对wav进行分析并根据其数据模拟出波型图.再对其波型图进行操作.移动或者修改或者重叠.对有这方面接触的VB程序员很有帮助.(This procedure demonstrates how to wav analysis and data in accordance with its simulated waveform Fig. And then its wave-type plans to operate. Mobile or modify or overlap. For there is very helpful to contact VB programmers.)