▍1. 可以提供一小部分的好东西是不容易的,我希望你会离开…
能给发家提供这个好东西不容易,希望大家能多多学习,不要辜负了。 uC/GUI是uC/OS-II配套的专用图形界面。这可不是开源软件,也不象uC/OS-II一样可以免费下载,这个是非常昂贵的软件。所以大家拿到后,不要声张,偷着乐吧 ^_^-can provide a small minority of the good things is not easy, I hope you will learn more, do not fail to live up to. UC/GUI is uC/OS-II supporting the dedicated graphical interface. This is not open source software, nor as uC/OS-II can be downloaded for free, this is very expensive software. So you get, not quietly, secretly glad it ^ _ ^