▍1. Radar-simulation-and-SAR-imaging
复杂目标的雷达回波模拟及RD算法SAR成像(Radar echo simulation of complex targets and RD SAR imaging algorithm)
复杂目标的雷达回波模拟及RD算法SAR成像(Radar echo simulation of complex targets and RD SAR imaging algorithm)
In the 80′s most companies did not improve their service level because of the Economy Model in exercise and because of financial reasons. In this brief paper i try to demonstrate this statement.
matlab 数学手册,里面涵盖了矩阵的基本运算,函数和类等数学知识与Matlab软件应用的结合(matlab mathematical manual, which covers the combination of mathematics and other basic matrix operations, functions and classes and Matlab software applications)
3GPP LTE测试协议,适用于无线通信领域的研究人员,学生,教师,和工程技术人员使用。由3gpp ran5工作组讨论并发布。(3GPP LTE testing protocol, it is used by research ,students ,teachers and engineerings .It is released by 3gpp RAN5 work group.)
new std realesd in the lte newer version to be implemented
常用指令工作空间管理管理指令和函数搜索路径的管理(指令窗控制 运算符和特殊算符(Management of common commands workspace management management instructions and functions of the search path (command window control operators and special operators)
networking work related to computer networks gives basic formula and examples to solve this
介绍星座图的产生极其原理,可以加深对星座图的理解(introduce Constellation)
关于教育梦的相关文章,内容新颖,是一篇值得借鉴和欣赏的教育梦想的文章。(Related articles about education dream, content is novel, is a worthy of reference and appreciate education dream.)
MATLAb code for Basic Model of Cognitive Radio
用MATLAB实现频域平滑滤波以及图像去噪代码,Word文档格式。(The frequency domain using MATLAB realize smoothing and denoising code, Word document format.)
idea about instrumentation test and measurement
for improving a effect of diversity in pso and methods for avoiding it
Image Authentication using Digital Watermarks
目前已经提出了许多不同的算法来解决OFDM 系统中的PAPR 问题,本章详 细介绍了其中的限幅法、压缩扩张法、星座图扩展法、选择性映射法和部分传输 序列法。在介绍每一种算法时,针对其主要存在的问题进行了相应的改进,使每 一种算法都成为比较实用的算法。(Has put forward a number of different algorithms to solve the problem PAPR OFDM system, this chapter details Fine describes one of the limiting, compression expansion method, constellation expansion method, selective mapping method and partial transmission Sequence method. In introducing each algorithm, for which the main problem for the corresponding improvements, so that each An algorithm have become more practical algorithms.)