▍1. Basic-PLC-Programming-eBook
Mitsubishi MELSEC-F Programmable ControllerMitsubishi MELSEC-F Programmable Controller
Mitsubishi MELSEC-F Programmable ControllerMitsubishi MELSEC-F Programmable Controller
-Matlab_digital signal processingg -
Matlab_digital signal processing p 234
livre_ Kalman Filtering and Neural Networks è____________________________________
LIVRE_Automatique-Systemes-linaires-non linEAires
Nonlinear_Syst ems_Khalil_Solution_Manual_downloader
Introduction: The goal of the HumanEva dataset is to develop new techniques, technology, and algorithms for the automatic articulated pose estimation and tracking of humans. Brown University is involved in an ongoing effort to develop this dataset of synchronized video and motion capture data. The dataset is meant to aid research uating algorithms for human motion estimation. Brown University has
Nonlinear_Systems_2nd- Hassan_K. Khalil -
Adaptive Electric Vehicle Charging Coordination on Distribution Network
永磁同步电动机直接转矩控制论文,其中比较了滑模观测器和kalman滤波器的优缺点(SMO-KF compare used in DTC for PMSM drive)
Application of Conservative Power Theory for Active Power Filtering of Line-Commutated HVDC for Offhsore Wind Power
CVPR 2014 paper on Image Annotation
零延时卷积算法实现,基于fft变换。Efficient Convolution Without Latency by William G. Gardner(It is well known that a block FFT implementation of convolution is vastly more efficient than the direct form FIR filter. Unfortunately, block processing incurs significant input/output latency which is undesirable for real-time applications. A hybrid method is proposed for doing convolution by combining direct form and block FFT processing. The result is a zero latency convolver that performs significantly better than direct form methods.)
Path search algorithms for application in W-CDMA systems+ c++ code
HSUPA channel transmitter and receiver block diagram
This paper helps in Blind Identification and Equalization of MIMO FIR Channels Based on Subspace Decomposition and Independent Component Analysis