▍1. temperature-conversion-(JSlider)
temperature conversion (JSlider)
temperature conversion (JSlider)
this program is based on online medical diagnosis system
Secon project for student learning it is very interesting for learning
The purpose of this study guide is to prepare you for the Sun Certified Java Associateexam. This preparation will be accomplished by familiarizing you with the necessaryknowledge related to Java fundamentals, tools, and technologies that will be represented on the exam.
this is implementation of fuzzy robot using java and FCL file fuzzy inference system
hinbernate的练习适合新手的学习和使用。(Three practical feasibility of SSH framework)
This is a matlab project for the atm protection by using the concept of shoulder surfing which is now very important for the security of the atm
This is Java LDAP implementation to connect to Microsoft Active Directory. Using this you can create an enterprise application login against active directory credentials. Also you can query the active directory for users based on different query parameters mentioned in the code.
开发助手,压力测试工具jemter 开发助手,压力测试工具jemter(jemter jemter)
project it was fine to understand pleaase see it
RPL security protocol for WSNs implemented in JISM simulator
k shortest path algorithm implmented
ARtoolKit依赖包,以及模型。帮助初学开发者学习增强现实。(ARtoolKit source code)
Sales point application that contain 6 source codes files