▍1. Circular-Array_12310002
functions of a circular array
Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and ...
一个pupupwindow的例子,非常的有意思,希望能够有帮助(An example of a pupupwindow, very interesting, hope to be able to help)
用于解决航天动力学,航天任务设计,导航制导控制问题(The Java Astrodynamics Toolkit is a library of components to help users create their own application programs to solve problems in astrodynamics, mission design, spacecraft navigation, guidance and control using Java or Matlab.)
使用电压矢量控制策略,可以并网运行。调节电网电压,跟踪性能好,是MATLAB 2010的版本,大家可以参考(The use of voltage vector control strategy of grid connected operation, can. Grid voltage regulation, good tracking performance, is the 2010 versions of MATLAB, you can refer to)
介绍流形学习的一篇非常好的外文文献,适合初学者学习(A very good foreign literature describes manifold learning for beginners learning)
LAMP 架构下的Web 开发概念、流程及优化策略,包括架构设计、对接约定、开发、测试。(Web development concept LAMP architecture, processes and optimization strategies, including architecture design, docking agreement, development and testing.)
big great world if at on in upon secondary selection under table. For the time now till down
This is not important . relented work for overlapping slicing it used in government for privacy preserving
matlab gui界面主函数,所有界面函数的基础(matlab gui interface, the main function, the basis of all interface functions)
this is program for modulation in ASK and that is very usefull.
蓝牙定位的DEMO,安卓要求4.4,如果没有4.4就不行哦(Bluetooth positioning DEMO, Andrews requires 4.4, 4.4 will not work if not oh)
This book aims to instil the reader with an understanding of the Object Oriented approach to programming and aims to develop some practical skills along the way. These practical skills will be developed by small exercises that the reader will be invited to undertake and the feedback that will be provided. The concepts that will be explained and skills developed are in common use among programmers using many modern object oriented languages and are thus transferable one language to another. However for practical purposes these concepts are explored and demonstrated using the Java programming language.
fastmap 算法MATLAB实现,检索速度超快(fastmap MATLAB algorithms achieve super-fast retri )
This MATLAB GUI, used for image processing, in MATLAB. This contains source code for brightess, contrast
Student record management contains the information of teacher and students but students cannot edit the details and also they can not see the other student detail.Teacher can see the information of students.It contains the ,ppt and other important document
This program print out all the number of partition of a Set, according to the input which indicates the number of objects in the set.
[安卓开源]GuideViewDemo(超炫丽用户引导)( [Android Open Source] GuideViewDemo (SuperFine user guide))