▍1. balls_tracker-master
balltracker with pimpong ball
啊蔡特征码定位器,我不知道怎么用,留个大家(Ah Choi signature locator, I do not know how to use, leave everyone)
pdf文档,机载雷达坐标系变换相关内容,介绍了机载雷达坐标系下的探测目标位置表达方式(pdf document,introduce the coordinates translates method of the airplane between the target)
雷达的坐标系相关变换说明文档,介绍了雷达坐标西与大地坐标系的变换关系,参考使用可以编织坐标变换代码(Radar Coordinate Transnate)
TKDE2012 时间序列分析的异常检测综述 论文(TKDE2012 time series analysis of anomaly detection reviewed papers)
NT4 component WinDbg source for developer reference
open cv 2 computer vision emgu
基于Guinea地理环境运输的幅轴式网络模型的Matlab实现,共勉(Network model amplitude axis Guinea geographical environment of transport based on Matlab implementation, encourage each other )
Numerical analysis did not pretreated Gauss method, the SSOR pre-Gaussian method, the pre-Gaussian polynomial method matlab program: CG
上海期货市场自动交易接口CTP开发示例代码。(CTP interface examples codes.)
三乘四二维数组 求所有元素中最大值,这个程序很简单的,大家看看就好(Three in four two-dimensional array for all elements in the maximum)
实现快速傅里叶变换的控制台程序,对用户输入的数组做变换。(Fast Fourier transform console program, to an array of user input to make change.)
asn1编码说明,详细说明了asn1编码格式,以及der编码,ber编码(asn1 encoding instructions detailing asn1 encoding formats and coding der)
Given a stack of n disks arranged largest on the bottom to smallest on top placed on a rod, together with two empty rods, the towers of Hanoi puzzle asks for the minimum number of moves required to move the stack one rod to another, where moves are allowed only if they place smaller disks on top of larger disks
利用最速下降法计算最小曲面的面积,初始条件为0,边界条件为正方形固定边界。(Using steepest descent method to calculate the minimum surface area. Initial condition is 0, while boundary condition is square fixed values.)
基于share memory 为32bit程序同一个提供一个内存现在的内存访问库(Based on a share memory with a memory now 32bit memory access library program)
The documents include a few more LDPC by C++
c++必备:c++ primer、clean code、effective c++(c++ primer、clean code、effective c++)
AT91SRAM7 configuration file is very good very practical hope to help you. Learn each other and work together. Take out a Shared