▍1. GPS
GPS的RMC、CGATT等格式帧的数据定位解析(GPS locate)
对候选人得票进行统计,设有3个候选人,最终只能有1人当选为领导。(Statistics on the number of votes a candidate with three candidates, we can only have one person elected as leader.)
MATLAB语言 有关蜂群算法的车间调度问题。源代码是比较准确的。(Shop scheduling problems related to bee colony algorithm MATLAB language. The source code is more accurate.)
MATLAB潮流程序(IEEE14 直角坐标 牛拉法)MATLAB潮流程序(IEEE14 直角坐标 牛拉法)(MATLAB trend (IEEE14 rectangular coordinates Cattle rafa)MATLAB trend (IEEE14 rectangular coordinates Cattle rafa))
3D HOG算法,需要引用库文件ffmpeg、boost等。(3D HOG ffmpeg、boost LIB)
一篇关于实现卡尔曼滤波的新方法,运用MATLAB和Visual c实现。(An article on the new method of Kalman filter implementation, the use of MATLAB and Visual c implementation.)
描述了LTE下行物理信道的信道编码的详细实现,包括CRC校验、turbo编码、咬尾卷积编码和速率匹配等。(Describes LTE downlink physical channel channel coding detailed implementation, including the CRC check, turbo encoding, tail-biting convolutional coding and rate matching.)
最新版《精通Matlab与C/C++混合程序设计》( 第三版) 刘维编著- proficient Matlab and C/C mixed Program Design (third edition)(The latest version of Mastering Matlab and C/C++ programming mix (third edition) edited by Richard- proficient Matlab and C/C mixed Program Design (third edition))
掌握开发环境,创建首个Windows程序,理解编译、运行和调试的基本概念(Master development environment to create the first Windows program, to understand the basic concepts of compiling, running and debugging)
MATLAB算法 自己设计的 希望能帮助你 模糊PID(MATLAB algorithm design their own hope to help you fuzzy PID)
用matlab 作卡尔曼滤波实验。讲解的步骤清楚,简单易懂(ka er man lv bo)
计算机科学45部经典著作,深入C++之《C++ Primer》第三版,中文版,Stanley B Lippman,Josee Lajoie著,潘爱民,张丽 译(C++ Primer,Stanley B Lippman ,Josee Lajoie)
《现代控制理论参考答案》,刘豹,唐万生版。现代控制理论参考答案(Modern control theory reference for the answer)
卷积编码器g1=111,g2=101 x为输入的待译码序列 x=[1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1] x=[1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1] x=[1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,1] a=size(x) 输入序列的长度 s=a(2)/2 译码后的m序列长度为x的一半 m=zeros(1,s) 最终结果存放 ma=zeros(1,s+1) 存放Fa路径的 mb=zeros(1,s+1) 存放Fb路径的 mc=zeros(1,s+1) 存放Fc路径的 md=zeros(1,s+1) 存放Fd路径的(viterbi decoder)
说明: matlab 中很实用的源代码5:20.形态学骨架提取 25 21.直接提取四个顶点坐标 26 22.文件打开窗口 27(Practical source code of matlab )
说明: matlab 中很实用的源代码4:.开启和闭合操 开启和闭合组合操作.形态学边界提取 (Practical source code of matlab)
说明: matlab 中很实用的源代码3:13.直方图阈值法 16 14. 自动阈值法:Otsu法 18 15.膨胀操作 19 16.腐蚀操作 20(Practical source code of matla)
说明: matlab 中很实用的源代码2:中值滤波器、用Sobel算子和拉普拉斯对图像锐化,梯度算子检测边缘(Practical source code of matlab)
说明: matlab中很实用的源代码1,例图图形转换、非线性变换等等(Practical source code of MATLAB)
MATLAB 和c++混合编程在windows下编程(MATLAB mixed programming and c++ programming in windows)