▍1. 新建文本文档
多维K-means聚类:空间数据分析中最常用的是聚类分析,而K-MEANS算法是聚类分析中常用的,其主要思想是在给定的聚类数目下对多维(我做的是三维空间点)向量进行聚类(aClus.Center.x=m_vecExtreCenter[i].extrePoint.x; aClus.Center.y=m_vecExtreCenter[i].extrePoint.y;)
多维K-means聚类:空间数据分析中最常用的是聚类分析,而K-MEANS算法是聚类分析中常用的,其主要思想是在给定的聚类数目下对多维(我做的是三维空间点)向量进行聚类(aClus.Center.x=m_vecExtreCenter[i].extrePoint.x; aClus.Center.y=m_vecExtreCenter[i].extrePoint.y;)
进行特征选择,利用权重进行特征选择,代码解释充分(Feature selection is carried out, feature selection is carried out with weight, and the code is fully interpreted.)
说明: Market Newman写的复杂网络的加权GN算法 算法用Python写的 其基本思想是不断的删除网络中具有相对于所有源节点的最大的边介数(ege betweenness)的边,然后,再重新计算网络中剩余的边的相对于所有源节点的边介数(The basic idea is to delete the network with respect to all of the source nodes of the largest betweenness (EGE betweenness) edges, then re computing network the remaining edge relative to the boundary of the source node number of all)
一种用于风力机设计和性能校核的翼型气动数据预处理,包括panel插值,全周插值,3D修正等。使用python语言 (Airfoil data preprocessing for wind turbine design and performance verification using python language)
python实现股票预测,用AR模型实现股票走势跟踪(python achieve stock forecasting, using AR model implementation tracking stock movements)
输入小球半径及高度,可以计算出小球反弹的轨迹,并且画出动画(Enter ball radius and height, can calculate the trajectory of the ball rebound and draw animation)
NumPy Beginner’s Guide - Second Edition的源码(《Python数据分析基础教程,munpy学习指南(第二版)》),有助于学习numpy。(NumPy Beginner s Guide- Second Edition source code ( Python data analysis based tutorial, munpy Study Guide (Second Edition) ), contribute to learning numpy.)
1D linear convection for educationnal purpose
python-wapiti is a python wrapper for wapiti (http://wapiti.limsi.fr), a very nice sequence labeling tool with support for maxent models, maximum entropy Markov models and linear-chain CRF.
The module can optionally operate with a private cache that understands the Cache-Control: header and uses both the ETag and Last-Modified cache validators. Both file system and memcached based caches are supported. (Automatically adds back ETags into PUT requests to resources we have already cached. This implements Section 3.2 of Detecting the Lost Update Problem Using Unreserved Checkout)
USRP中关于抽取和内插的模块搭建,和信号处理 GRC(up and down sample on USRP)