▍1. FuzzyEdgeDetection
on Neuro Fuzzy edge detection
实现相关向量机回归算法的MATLAB程序。(MATLAB RVM regression)
matlabGUI的一系列例子,详细说明了每一个控件的使用,每个例程都非常短小精悍,但是非常能说明问题(matlabGUI a series of examples detailing the use of each control, each routine is very short and pithy, but very good explanation)
介绍matlab使用的例子,大约300个左右欢迎大家下载(Introduction matlab example of the use of about 300 or so are welcome to download)
Fichier Simulink décrivant une MPU (memory protection unit)
本文件包括了蒙特卡洛所以常用的模拟方法,是初学者比较好的学习教材~(The document includes the Monte Carlo simulation methods commonly used so it is good learning materials for beginners ~)
本文件包括matlab 仿真内容 有 四阶龙库格 函数仿真 等(This document contains the contents of matlab simulation of fourth-order function of simulation cell Long Library)
个人找的一个电子书,主要介绍matlab的入门知识,讲解很详细,有例证,个人觉得很好用!(Books about matlab!)
now some matlab code for fem is here.pls download it
a matlab fem code for beginers .pls download it!
this is project for implementing ofdm system using matlab programe
variation in the min sum ldpc decoder in matlab