▍1. H0334410
NNM-i Developer s Toolkit Guide
Reson 7K系列多波束格式说明,可用于该数据文件的解码(Data format for Reson 7K MB bathy system)
The goal of the HumanEva dataset is to develop new techniques, technology, and algorithms for the automatic articulated pose estimation and tracking of humans. Brown University is involved in an ongoing effort to develop this dataset of synchronized video and motion capture data.
Depth study of the power electronics industry development report
LTE 中文协议,很经典全面的讲LTE的资料,做好笔记看一段时间很有用的。(LTE protocol LTE physical layer General description Multiplexing and channel coding)
Improving Compressed Air System Performance
MATLAB7.0基础教程,其中包括很多实例,对学习此软件很有帮助(MATLAB7.0 based tutorial, including many instances, this software is very helpful to the study)
a good paper about hybrid Diesel Wind systems elevier
A Factor Graph Approach to Joint OFDM Channel Estimation and Decoding in Impulsive Noise Environments
分析写作,主要分析研究人类社会学对人类思维思路的影响,深入扩宽人的分析能力(anlsis writing)
研制了一套基于pulse多分析仪的声级计自动检定测试系统,主要介绍了系统的工作原理,实现方法及应用(the automatic measurement system of sound level meter is carried out,this system is built on the pulse multi-analyzer)
Artificial neuarl network is one of the recent developed softcomputing technique work on the basis of human neural system. The traning and testing are the two important process in artificial neural network. ther are many techniques used for the training of artificial neural network, however backpropagation algorithm is the traditional method for training purpose. this document contain the mathematical formation of artificial neural network with backpropagation training.
BER calculation in rayleigh
基于Matlab的图像曲线数据提取方法-Matlab-based image data extraction curve(Matlab-based image data extraction curve Matlab-based image data extraction curve)
matlab2010程序教程,里面全是具体算例,比单纯的文字介绍要具体,容易上手。(matlab2010 procedural manuals, which are all specific examples, than simple text description should be specific, easy to use.)