▍1. gundaohuandongpian
非常漂亮的自适应窗口大小,左右滚动图片效果。(Very nice adaptive window size, scroll around the picture effect.)
非常漂亮的自适应窗口大小,左右滚动图片效果。(Very nice adaptive window size, scroll around the picture effect.)
变化列表 varyQueue.js 变化列表 varyQueue.js(vary Queue)
FusionCharts用的文件,下载下来的,可以用,很方便啊啊啊(user for FusionCharts file)
都市供求信息网分为前后台的设计,前台主要实现信息的显示、搜索与发布功能。其中信息的显示包括列表显示与详细内容显示,而列表显示,又分为首页面的信息列表显示、查看某类别下所有信息的列表显示和搜索结果列表显示;搜索功能主要包括定位搜索和模糊搜索;后台主要实现的功能为信息显示、信息审核、信息删除、付费设置与退出登录,其中的信息显示功能也分为列表显示与详细内容显示。(Urban supply and demand information network is divided into front and back design, front main achievement of the displayed information, search and publishing. Which displays information including a list of displays and display details, but the list is displayed, the information is divided into the home side s display list, a list of all the categories of information under the display and view a list of search results display Search functions include positioning search and fuzzy search the main function of the background information display, information auditing, information deleted, pay setting and exit the registry, which is also divided into the information display function displays detailed contents list display.)
都市供求信息网分为前后台的设计,前台主要实现信息的显示、搜索与发布功能。其中信息的显示包括列表显示与详细内容显示,而列表显示,又分为首页面的信息列表显示、查看某类别下所有信息的列表显示和搜索结果列表显示;搜索功能主要包括定位搜索和模糊搜索;后台主要实现的功能为信息显示、信息审核、信息删除、付费设置与退出登录,其中的信息显示功能也分为列表显示与详细内容显示。(Urban supply and demand information network is divided into front and back design, front main achievement of the displayed information, search and publishing. Which displays information including a list of displays and display details, but the list is displayed, the information is divided into the home side s display list, a list of all the categories of information under the display and view a list of search results display Search functions include positioning search and fuzzy search the main function of the background information display, information auditing, information deleted, pay setting and exit the registry, which is also divided into the information display function displays detailed contents list display.)
自己写的JS程序: 具体是使用JS+JQ+animate动画+勾股定理实现了画太极图,原理很简单,就是使用绝对定位作为 div坐标+动画+div生成,升级画法:可以使用三角函数(sin,cos,tan etc),使用勾股定理每个像 素点的位置不太好把握! 最后:感兴趣的同学可以将imgs中的图片改成透明的图片,替换JS中方块,这样效果好看些。(JS write their own programs: Specifically using JS+ JQ+ animate animation+ Pythagorean realized painting of Tai Chi, the principle is very simple, is to use absolute positioning as + animation+ div div coordinate generation, upgrade painting: You can use trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan etc), each pixel using the Pythagorean theorem Prime location is not very good grasp of the point! Finally: Interested students can imgs pictures into a transparent image, replace JS in the box, so the effect look better.)
自己写的JS程序: 具体是使用JS+JQ+animate动画+勾股定理实现了画太极图,原理很简单,就是使用绝对定位作为 div坐标+动画+div生成,升级画法:可以使用三角函数(sin,cos,tan etc),使用勾股定理每个像 素点的位置不太好把握! 最后:感兴趣的同学可以将imgs中的图片改成透明的图片,替换JS中方块,这样效果好看些。(JS write their own programs: Specifically using JS+ JQ+ animate animation+ Pythagorean realized painting of Tai Chi, the principle is very simple, is to use absolute positioning as + animation+ div div coordinate generation, upgrade painting: You can use trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan etc), each pixel using the Pythagorean theorem Prime location is not very good grasp of the point! Finally: Interested students can imgs pictures into a transparent image, replace JS in the box, so the effect look better.)
介绍eeacc pacc pacs,发表国外期刊或者核心期刊都必须要的(Introduction eeacc pacc pacs,Post foreign journals or periodicals must be the core)
介绍eeacc pacc pacs,发表国外期刊或者核心期刊都必须要的(Introduction eeacc pacc pacs,Post foreign journals or periodicals must be the core)
用form表单模拟select标签进行选择,里面采用hover事件。hover可以根据你的需要来修改。(Analog select labels choose to form a form, which uses hover events. hover can be modified according to your needs.)
用form表单模拟select标签进行选择,里面采用hover事件。hover可以根据你的需要来修改。(Analog select labels choose to form a form, which uses hover events. hover can be modified according to your needs.)
基于matlab对语音进行特征参数提取,毕业论文等神器,用处很大(Based on matlab voice characteristic parameter extraction, thesis artifact, useful)
MATLAB 很重要的文件 很重要的文件很重要的文件很重要的文件很重要的文件( this is a importent this is a importent this is a importent this is a importent this is a importent )
解决整数线性规划的yalmip工具箱,比较好用的(Solve the integer linear programming yalmip toolbox, more useful)
網頁簡繁即時互轉,方便你在閱讀簡體中文或繁體中文(Page 简繁 immediate Hu Zhuan, allowing you to read Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese)
这是一个右下角 ,弹出提示框的插件, 使用js写的, 代码很简单, 用起来也很方便。(This is a lower right corner, pop-up balloon plug-ins, using js written code is very simple, using them is also very convenient.)
说明: 字符从文章的最顶端掉下来的特效显示效果 (Characters from the top of the article fall display of special effects)