▍1. Signal_processing_with_wavelets
Signal processing with wavelets You can do the same thing with 1D signals
Signal processing with wavelets You can do the same thing with 1D signals
Quincunx wavelet transforms Quincunx wavelets are non-separable transform that allows to avoid using vertical/horizontal wavelets. The scaling grows like 2^{j/2} with the scale j instead of 2^j, which can be advantageous. Biorthogonal quincunx wavelets are implemented using a simple wrapper to the code of Dimitri Van De Ville. Redundant, translation invariant transform are implemented with the lifting scheme.
Multiscale texture synthesis The Heeger and Bergen SIGGRAPH 95 synthesis algorihtm computes a new texture by matching the histogram of a steerable transform (starting from an initial random noise). It works well for cloud-like texture, and fail to synthesize geometric features.
Linear and non-linear approximation with wavelets Linear approximation is obtained by keeping M low frequency coefficients and then applying the inverse wavelet transform. Here we take M=n^2/4 by keeping n/2 x n/2 low frequency coefficients. Linear approximation is obtained by keeping M=n^2/4 best coefficients, that are the M largest amplitude coefficients. We can now compute the approximation error and display both the coefficients and the resulting images. The non-linear approximation is usually much better for images that contains edges because linear approximation blurs features (it is non-adaptive).
Image denoising with wavelet We first load an image, and add some noise to it The orthogonal wavelet transform is not very efficient for image denoising because it lacks translation invariance. This is why there is so many reconstruction artifact in the previous denoising experiments. Translation invariant wavelet transform reduces these effect by increasing the redundancy of the wavelet transform. It thus requires more time to perform the denoising.
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