▍1. sip协议的sipboard 语音直播app源码
android里面带有进度条的button,非常实用,好用,很漂亮的(android button with a progress bar which is very practical, easy to use, very nice)
android版的省市三级联动,使用sqllite本地数据,数据库在这个目录下 resaw
aidl(Android Interface Definition Language)进程通信
本人实现的android程序,主要功能是人脸锁,使用jni将opencv编译成so库,可以进行人脸锁操作,喜欢研究人脸识别的朋友可以参考。(I realized android program, the main function of a human face lock, use jni the opencv library compiled so, you can face the lock operation, like the study of face recognition can refer friends.)