▍1. VirtualCamera
window下注册一个虚拟摄像头,并且在内存中开辟一块共享内存,将共享内存中的数据显示在摄像头中。qq等聊天工具可用。(Window registered a virtual camera, and in memory to open a shared memory, the shared memory data display in the camera. QQ chat tools available.)
window下注册一个虚拟摄像头,并且在内存中开辟一块共享内存,将共享内存中的数据显示在摄像头中。qq等聊天工具可用。(Window registered a virtual camera, and in memory to open a shared memory, the shared memory data display in the camera. QQ chat tools available.)
将各种格式制成iso文件由于u盘安装系统等 将各种格式制成iso文件由于u盘安装系统等(The various formats made ISO file because of U disk mounting system etc. 将各种格式制成iso文件由于u盘安装系统等 The various formats made ISO file because of U disk mounting system etc. )
用C语言写的火车自助售票系统,实现火车票务管理和用户购票(Written in C language train self-ticketing system, ticket management and user traffic tickets)
windows下线程操作,例子,包含线程创建,互斥锁,信号量,消息队列的封装等(Thread windows operating examples, including thread creation, mutexes, semaphores, message queues, packaging, etc.)
One of the most useful books for C++ developer
案例 例1_单轴运动 例2_回原点运动 例3_直线插补例4_两轴圆弧插补例5_连续插补例6_手轮运动(VC)例7_通用专用输入输出
ollydbg plugin开发工程,已经写好的框架,可用于插件开发。(Ollydbg plugin development engineering, has written a good framework, can be used in plug-in development.)
2D-sketch program source code package
免杀版ghost3.6 带服务器管理 很容易免杀的 换换资源完爆360全套(dwalfnselgreg fdseres )
VC++ MFC文件拷贝显示进度条,选择需要复制的文件、选择需要复制到的路径,开始复制文件时即可显示进度条,进度条上显示有数字百分比,适时显示复制进度。(VC++ MFC file copy shows the progress bar, select files to be copied, the choice of paths need to be copied to the beginning, copying a file to display a progress bar, progress bar displayed on a digital display percentage, the replication schedule timely.)
装备管理软件。用MFC编写的简单的数据库操作软件,对数据库操作初学者有帮助!(Equipment management software. Written with MFC simple database operating software for database operations beginners help!)
MFC的Windows初级编程,讲解相关的方法和使用,完成MFC深层的编程基础。(Windows MFC s primary programming to explain the methods and the use of related programming complete MFC deep foundation.)
用VC写的2进制输出工具,用鼠标点选check控件时,edit控件会同步显示对应的数值,这份代码最重要的特色时控件颜色的显示。(Using VC to write two hexadecimal output tool, use the mouse to click the check controls, the edit control will display synchronous corresponding numerical, when this code is the most important characteristics of control color display. )
服务端不支持XP以及以下系统 服务端没有开源,开源代码可以联系我们购买,限定服务端的应用代码收费。 服务端需要注册,使用期限30天,目录不可更改,服务端下面的AuthService_Config目录下的NetEngine_AuthorizeReg.dat这个文件,当程序到期你可以删除,然后又有30天使用期限 服务端注册后可以使用加密通信协议,可以使用电子邮件发送通告与客户端密码找回功能,请联系我们注册 客户端说明: 客户端需要的DLL,你可以拷贝服务器目录下的DLL过去即可。或者参考我们以前的本地验证注册程序,但是不要使用他的DLL,因为以前发布的本地验证注册网络验证有问题,只有这个版本才修正了 客户端DEMO有示例代码,你可以参考编写">
自己实现字符串类,包括字符串的符号重载功能等,适合于C++初学者学习字符串的结构及C++的封装。(Achieve their own string class, including overloaded function symbol string, etc., suitable for beginners to learn the structure and C++ C++ package string.)
Pressure sensor interface C++
RTX系统下,GE反射内存卡vmic-5565的驱动程序,由vc开发(Under the RTX system, GE Reflective Memory Card vmic-5565 driver, developed by vc)
WIN-XP下的云台控制软件,无需安装麻烦的DVR客户端,直接控制云台。(PTZ control software)
远端屏幕共享,获取屏幕截图并保存,值得学习(Remote screen sharing, take a screenshot and save it, it is worth learning)