▍1. 3555260
文件关联修复源码例程,调用易语言模块实现文件关联修复功能。(The associated source file repair routines , calling easy language module file association repair.)
文件关联修复源码例程,调用易语言模块实现文件关联修复功能。(The associated source file repair routines , calling easy language module file association repair.)
个性图标生成器源码例程,程序根据画板画出图片可以设置画出图片的宽度、高度的特性,自改变图标的尺寸。(Personalized icon generator source code routines, programs can be set according to the drawing board to draw pictures draw pictures of width and height characteristics , since changing the size of icons.)
无线网卡连接源码例程,程序调用API函数实现无线网卡的断开连接。(Wireless LAN connection code samples , the program calls API functions to disconnect the wireless network card .)
系统oem修改源码例程,程序调用API函数实现系统oem修改功能。(System oem modify source code routines , the program calls API functions for system oem modification.)
自动投票源码程序,结合易语言模块易语言网页操作类.ec,实现网页自动投票。(Source automated voting procedures , combined with easy language module easy language page action class .ec, implement automated voting page .)
YYFC歌曲下载器源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,实现下载歌曲的伴奏音乐。(YYFC song downloads source code program , combined with easy language support library expansion interface , to achieve download songs to the accompaniment of music .)
系统oem修改源码例程,程序调用API函数实现系统oem修改功能。(System oem modify source code routines , the program calls API functions for system oem modification.)
动画窗口加载和关闭特效示例源码,程序结合易语言第三方常量支持库,调用API函数实现图片的特效加载,有0-12共13种特效。(Loading and off effects animation window sample source code , the program combined with easy language constant support of third-party libraries , API function calls to load image effects , there are a total of 13 kinds of special effects 0-12 .)
读取windows序列号源码,例程程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,调用API函数实现读取保存windows序列号。(Open windows to read the serial number , the routine extension program interface combined with easy language support library , call the API function to read saved windows serial number.)
图片差异对比源码程序,例程结合易语言特殊功能支持库和数据操作支持库,实现图片差异的无损对比。(Picture Differences between the source program , combined with routines easy language support library special features and data manipulation support libraries , lossless image contrast differences.)
WIN7禁用Ctrl+Alt+Del键例程,程序调用API函数实现禁用Ctrl+Alt+Del键。(WIN7 disable Ctrl+ Alt+ Del key routines , the program calls API functions to disable Ctrl+ Alt+ Del key.)
查询话费欠费信息源码,例程结合易语言正则表达式支持库,调用API函数实现联通手机和固话小灵通欠费信息的查询。(Query the bill arrears source , easy language routines combined with regular expression support library , call the API function inquiry Unicom mobile phone and fixed-line PHS arrears information.)
Cheat Engine Tutorial 1
一款恶搞软件,可以恶搞你的朋友或者网友电脑,非常好用~(A spoof software, you can spoof your friends or computer users, very easy to use ~)
网页应用例程源码,例程程序结合易语言超文本浏览框支持库,调用API函数通过浏览器窗口句柄取网页文档对象,使用对象的方法属性操作网页内容。(Web application source code routines , routine program combining easy language support library hypertext browsing box , call the API function by taking web browser window handle document object , use the object s method attribute manipulation page content.)
一个很漂亮的屏幕下雨源码,喜欢就拿去吧!(Screen rain source)
处理CMYK色彩源码程序,结合易语言第三方云外归鸟的图像处理支持库,实现CMYK色彩的处理。(CMYK process color source program, combined with easy language to third parties outside the cloud of birds image processing support library that implements the CMYK color processing .)
Windows API 一日一练(101-150)(Windows API 101-150)
图片不规则变形源码,例程程序根据图片的计算,使用画板使图片不规则变形。(Pictures irregular deformation source , routine procedures according to the calculation of the picture, using the drawing board to make the image irregular deformation.)
网页颜色计算器源码,程序可以方便地对十进制颜色到网页用十六进制颜色的可视化转换。(Page color calculator source code , the program can easily decimal color to a page with a hexadecimal color visualization of conversion.)