▍1. ServerDemo
作为初学者,必须要学习得编程,编写简单的服务器(As a beginner, it is important to learn, programming, writing a simple server)
作为初学者,必须要学习得编程,编写简单的服务器(As a beginner, it is important to learn, programming, writing a simple server)
手机应用开发,Hello,Andorid Design,中英文pdf版的课本。 特别适合初学者,比如里面会一步步教你如何创建数独游戏。([mobile]Hello,Andorid Design English Version and Chinese Version)
生成pdf文档工具软件Itex中文开发帮助文档,英语菜鸟开发人员的助手(Generated pdf document tool software Itex Chinese developers help documentation, English rookie developers assistant)
Technically sound sms transferring software facilitates user to send promotional messages over global mobile phone networks without requiring any technical assistance. Visit company website www.smssoftware.org for downloading time saving SMS Software for GSM Mobile to post unlimited business news from your personal computer system to GSM supported mobiles. Excellent text sms broadcasting application has ability to skip duplicate contact number entries while sending bulk text sms from your personal computer system.
Wicket is a framework that makes building web applications easier and more fun. It boasts an object-oriented programming model that encourages you to write maintainable code and helps you scale your development effort with its facilities for reusable components and separation of concerns.
友盟sdk, 包括分享 统计 用户反馈 检查更新等内容(umeng sdk, including the sharing of statistical user feedback to check for updates, etc.)
使用开源工具类库com.google.zxing,实现二维码的编解码(Use of open-source tool library com.google.zxing, two-dimensional code codec)
In recent years, both sophistication and damage potential of Internet worms have increased tremendously. To understand their threat, we need to look into their payload for signatures as well as propagation pattern for Internet-scale behavior. An accurate analytical propagation model allows us to comprehensively study how a worm propagates under various conditions, which is often computationally too intensive for simulations. More importantly, it gives us an insight into the impact of each worm/ network parameter on the propagation of the worm.
js实现自动向左移动的菜单,当鼠标移动到菜单项时,菜单停止移动。(js automatically move to the left menu, the menu stops moving when the mouse to the menu item.)
这是网站后台管理模板,是非常实用的,它可以帮助你完成网站后台的实现(This is the Site Admin templates are very useful, it can help you to complete the implementation of site background)
1、任务管理中,添加任务时去掉了分类和日期的必须输入检查,更方便快速添加; 相应的数据库脚本中,任务表(todo)的任务分类ID(CATEGORY_ID)和处理时间(DEAL_DATE)字段修改为允许空值; 2、任务管理中,修改了当点击新添加行的优先级和状态时也相应事件的Bug; 3、添加了相册名称和文档名称的最大长度验证; 4、笔记模块,修改直接添加笔记时,无法从相册添加图片的Bug; 5、用户管理模块更名为系统管理,并添加了系统设置功能,可以直接在页面上设置如下信息: 邮箱服务器、邮箱账号、邮箱密码、是否开放注册、相册缩略图尺寸; 升级时注意数据库脚本的修改。 (1, task management, add tasks remove classification and date when the must input inspection, more convenient fast add The corresponding database scripts, task lists (todo) task CATEGORY_ID) and the ID (classification processing time (DEAL_DATE) field modification to allow null values 2, task management in a click new add, modify did when priority and status of the corresponding events Bug 3, added album name and document name maximum length of validation 4, notes module, modify, cannot directly add notes from the album the Bug add images 5, user management module was renamed system management, and add system functions, can be directly on the page set the following information: Mailbox server, email accounts, E-mail passwords, is open registration, photo album thumbnail size Upgraded the modification. Attention database script )
算法设计的一个作业,输入一个正整数,把它的2~36进制形式打印出来(Algorithm design of a job, enter a positive integer, it s 2 to 36 hexadecimal form printed )
学习c语言经典的经典算法100例,为你学好c语言打下坚实基础!!!(C language learning classical classical algorithm 100 cases, as you lay a solid foundation to learn c language! ! !)
说明: 影碟出租管理系统该系统正是基于此而开发出来的面向一般的影碟出租商家的程序。基于工业化标准的Access的数据库操作管理,使数据处理变的更为方便和容易,ASP编程简易却能提供相当丰富的功能以及友好的用户操作界面。该系统用于影碟出租,方便租碟、还碟、查找等操作,是出租影碟业务的最佳助手。方便添加新碟、管理影碟、管理会员。提供完善的租碟和还碟操作,完全独立的数据库系统,数据管理为您提供:影碟管理,会员管理。数据查询为您提供:租借情况,影碟查询。(DVD Rental Management System)