▍1. 大象ID移除(切勿用于违法犯罪)
说明: Windows平台苹果设备账号完美移除,适合于忘记密码无法更新系统,请勿用于非法用途!(Windows platform Apple device account removed perfectly, suitable for forgetting password and unable to update the system, please do not use it for illegal purposes!)
说明: Windows平台苹果设备账号完美移除,适合于忘记密码无法更新系统,请勿用于非法用途!(Windows platform Apple device account removed perfectly, suitable for forgetting password and unable to update the system, please do not use it for illegal purposes!)
win 下面的编程实现C++应用本地API读取蓝牙设备(Programming under win implements C++ application of local API to read Bluetooth devices)
说明: win 下面的编程实现C++应用本地API读取蓝牙设备(Programming under win implements C++ application of local API to read Bluetooth devices)
说明: 在QTcreator平台下,实现上位机与下位机建立简单通讯协议下的串口数据通讯,用到QT串口库和qchart对数据进行实时绘图,可以借鉴大部分代码,只要将里面数据协议部分对应修改下就ok了(In the QT creator platform, the serial data communication between the upper computer and the lower computer is realized under the simple communication protocol. The QT serial port library and qchart are used for real-time drawing of the data. Most of the codes can be used for reference. As long as the data protocol part is modified correspondingly, it is OK)
Duck公司在仓库安装了红外报警装置,如图所示,所有红外线互不相交。n个发射器和n个接收器将平面分成n+1个区域,从左到右分别记作0、1、…、n。现在技术人员正在进行调试,对于每个点,需要快速知道它处于哪个区域。若正好处于红外线上,则视为处于右边的区域。 输入 第一行两个整数n、m,表示有n条直线、m个点 接下来n行,每行两个整数a、b,表示一组报警装置的发射器安装在(a, 0),接收器安装在(0, b)。每行a、b都比前一行的大 接下来m行,每行两个整数x、y,表示求点(x, y)所在的区域 输出 输出m行,每行一个数,对应每个点所在区域的编号(Duck installed infrared alarm in the warehouse, as shown in the figure, all infrared rays do not intersect. The n transmitters and n receivers divide the plane into n + 1 regions, denoted 0, 1, ..., n from left to right, respectively. Now technicians are debugging, for each point, you need to quickly know where it is located. If it is on the infrared, it is considered as the area to the right.)
使用单独线程实现的计时器(The example of implementing times using single thread)
Ziena.Optimization.KNITRO.v7 w32
基于opencv的火焰检测算法 源码(Flame Detection Algorithms)
说明: 基于opencv的火焰检测算法 源码(Flame Detection Algorithms)
说明: 利用(μ,λ)演化策略求解Ackley函数极小化问题。主要包括种群初始化、重组、变异、(μ,λ)存活选择四个步骤来进行求解。(The evolution strategy is used to solve the minimization problem of Ackley function It mainly includes four steps 1 population initialization 2 recombination 3 mutation 4 survival selection.)
图像矢量化源码,一个图像矢量化源码,可运行在vc++6.0平台式(Image vector)
数字,图片识别,基于Aforge.net,图片二值化,灰度化,图片截取(Digital, image recognition, based on forge. net, image binarization, grayscale, image interception)
说明: 数字,图片识别,基于Aforge.net,图片二值化,灰度化,图片截取(Digital, image recognition, based on forge. net, image binarization, grayscale, image interception)
说明: 数学形态学操作可以分为二值形态学和灰度形态学,灰度形态学由二值形态学扩展而来。数学形态学有2个基本的运算,即腐蚀和膨胀,而腐蚀和膨胀通过结合又形成了开运算和闭运算。 开运算就是先腐蚀再膨胀,闭运算就是先膨胀再腐蚀。(Mathematical morphology operation can be divided into binary morphology and gray morphology, and gray morphology is extended from binary morphology. Mathematical morphology has two basic operations, namely corrosion and expansion, and corrosion and expansion form open operation and closed operation through the combination. Open operation means corrosion before expansion, and closed operation means expansion before corrosion.)
vc写的穿透NAT例子。很不错 又说明文件(vc write NAT example of penetration. Also very good note)
TLSF算法V3.0,优秀的动态内存管理,开源(TLSF algorithm V3.0)
C#调用大漠插件,找图找色,文字识别,截图等功能(C# Calls Desert Plug-in, Finds Pictures and Colors, Text Recognition, Screenshots and other functions)