▍1. pygame_tutorial
Intro to Game Design, Pygame范例(Pygame Sample Codes)
Intro to Game Design, Pygame范例(Pygame Sample Codes)
Intro to Game Design, Pygame范例(Pygame Sample Codes)
Ce projet a pour but de nous introduire d’une manière pratique aux techniques de traitement automatique du langage naturel
Ce projet a pour but de nous introduire d’une manière pratique aux techniques de traitement automatique du langage naturel
介绍一些Python 的背景知识,包括Python、Python 的起源和它的一些关健特性。一旦你来了兴致,我们就会向你介绍怎样获得Python 以及如何在你的系统上安装并运行它。本章最后的练习将会帮助你非常自如地使用Python,包括使用交互式解释器以及创建并运行脚本程序。(Some Python background knowledge, including Python, Python' s origins and its Key characteristics. Once you got into high spirits, we will introduce you how to get the Python and how to install and run it on your system. The chapter concludes with exercises will help you very comfortable using Python, including the use of an interactive interpreter, as well as create and run scripts.)
meep是由mit的研究组开发的用于模拟电磁场问题的开源软件包。meep4py是meep的python接口(python wrapper of the well-kown opensource FDTD package: meep, developed by research group in MIT)
python standard library 中文版,非常有用(Chinese version of python standard library is very useful)
Python是一种即译式的,互动的,面向对象的编程语言,它包含了模组式的操作,异常处理,动态资料形态,十分高层次的动态资料结构,以及类别的使用。(Python is a style that is translation, interactive, object-oriented programming language, which includes modular operation, exception handling, dynamic data form, a very high level dynamic data structures and types of use.)
在PYTHON里面,采用LIBSVM,实现对TE数据的多类故障的分类。(In PYTHON inside, using LIBSVM, TE data to realize the classification of many types of failures.)
Reshipped,A good C language teaching material.