▍1. ISO14229-4-2012
Road vehicles — Unified diagnostic services (UDS) — Part 4: Unified diagnostic services on FlexRay implementation (UDSonFR)
Road vehicles — Unified diagnostic services (UDS) — Part 4: Unified diagnostic services on FlexRay implementation (UDSonFR)
win7 x64 过TP源码,看雪大神发的,学习必备(win7 x64 pass tp,win7 x64 pass tp,win7 x64 pass tp.)
基于VC++的INS数值解算显示程序,可以用来参考使用(The INS VC++ numerical solutions based on the VC++ ,and the program can be used to refer to direct use.)
拟操作系统进程调度过程,包含先来先服务,时间片轮转,多级反馈等调度策略。-Simulation of the operating system process scheduling process, including the first come first serve, time slice rotation, multi-level feedback scheduling strategy.
VC++上位机通过prodave与S7-300通讯进行数据监控(VC++ host computer for data monitoring via S7-300 communication with prodave)
过控制点的三次B样条曲线VC源代码,可以再VC6.0下直接运行,用鼠标任意选在控制点,过控制点的三次B样条曲线。(Through the control points cubic B-spline curve VC source code, you can then run directly under VC6.0 with the mouse in any election in the control point, controlling the points cubic B-spline curves.)
说明: 该系统是一个请求页式存储管理系统,采用FIFO等页面淘汰算法(This system is a requested page storage management system, using FIFO and other pages out algorithm)
a observer pattern desing example in c++ a basic class room one
这本书详细的讲解了windows 动态链接库编程的方方面面。是学习动态链接库编程的最佳书籍。(This is a best book for programmer to learn how to work on dynamid link library on windows platform.)
pci-9014 DEMO程序,仅供参考,编译环境:VS2008 VC6.0 系统:WIN32 WIN64
系统目录监视工具,系统目录监视工具,源码和可执行exe(System monitoring tools catalog)
basler pylon API函数介绍,用于basler相机开发(basler pylon API functions, is used to basler Camera Development)
VC6测试XListCtrl,可以编译使用(VC6 XListCtrl)
fluent udf 源程序,十几个11111(fluent udf ewrwwerwer)
GUNZ2 更新系统,工具和登录器源码, 完整可以编译.(GUNZ2 Patchsystem)
Creating Global Api Hook Using Windows Hook
自己编的扫雷的小程序,很用心的编写,对新手应该会有帮助。里面的小砖块、计数值显示都是小控件,以后有类似用途应该都用得上。控件以动态库的形式。(Own a small demining program, very hard to write, it should be helpful for the novice. Inside the small brick, the count display controls are small, after a similar purpose should all need them.)