▍1. FileSafe
基于PKI体系的 CrytoAPI开发 文件保险箱 (PKI CrytoApi )
基于PKI体系的 CrytoAPI开发 文件保险箱 (PKI CrytoApi )
VC++读写大文件资料(二进制),VC6编译通过,平时我们用词本打开大量文本的时候,会发觉电脑很慢甚至死机,不是因为文件太大,而是因为记事本的简单而未进行大文件打开处理,才会出现这种情况,希望这个VC小实例能启发你一些灵感。(VC++ read large documents (binary), VC6 compiler, usually we open a large number of words of the text, you will find the computer very slow or even crash, not because the file is too large, but because of a simple notepad without large file open process, there is this hope that this VC small example can inspire you some inspiration.)
MFC使用的一些小技巧,较为实用,可解决一些小问题(some MFC skill)
实现对条码数据的获取,同时保存数据,并将数据保存为excel格式保存在桌面,(To achieve the bar code data acquisition, while preserving the data, and save the data as excel format stored in the desktop,)
水表数字识别主要对指针式水表进行数字识别(shui biao shu zi shibie)
改程序的主要功能是将mfc中ListCtrl中的数据导入到Excel中。(he main function of the program is to change import data in mfc CListCtrl in to Excel.)
本程序基于VC6.0通过duilib库对mfc窗口进行设计,可设置背景,按钮等基本操作,对初学者很有帮助。因为在VC6.0中使用需要gdiplus.h头文件和相关库文件,因此将该压缩文件一并上传。(This procedure by duilib bank on mfc window design, you can set basic operations background, buttons, etc., useful for beginners.Because the need to use gdiplus.h header files and related libraries in VC6.0, so the compressed file be uploaded.)
给出冒泡排序等3种排序算法,供初学者比较理解VC++编程!(It gives the other three kinds of bubble sort sort algorithm, for beginners to understand VC++ programming!)
生态部落专业粮情组态测控系统,给全世界的粮储工作带来了新的生机,新型的数字 化全方位粮情组态测控系统摒弃了传统的模拟方式,是粮食监测行业的一种创新革命的成 果。整套系统具有组网能力强,操作简单,安装简单、投资成本低、监测直观并且精度高, 能够实时实现视频、温度、湿度的监测、分析、显示、报警、控制、历史查询,报表打印等。 生态部落粮情组态测控系统是利用组态软件以及信息数字技术来实现粮食储藏过程中 对粮情变化的实时监测、对监测数据进行分析与控制、对异常粮情告警提示,提出处理建议 和自动控制等的系统。它可以为科学及安全储粮提供技术保证和科学依据。 粮情组态测控 硬件系统是通过电源电缆、通讯电缆、交换机、路由器将测控平台服务器、测控主机、测控 分机、测温电缆及湿度传感器及高清网络视频传感器等连结起来构成的。 生态部落粮情组 态测控软件系统按系统功能又大致可划分为:粮情监测、粮情分析与粮情控制三部分。(Ecological professional grain condition measurement and control system configuration tribe, grain storage to work around the world has brought new vitality, new digital full-grain situation measuring and controlling system configuration abandon the traditional analog mode, monitoring is an innovative food industry outcome of our revolution. The entire system with networking capability, simple operation, easy installation, low investment costs, monitoring and intuitive high precision, real-time video, temperature and humidity monitoring, analysis, display, alarm, control, historical inquiry, report printing. Ecological tribal grain condition measurement and control system configuration and software configuration information using digital technology to achieve real-time monitoring of food during storage of the grain situation changes, the monitoring data analysis and control, alarm notification of abnormal grain situation, and recommending treatment automatic control system. It can prov)
适用于劲舞团ACV文件的解压打包,很好用的一款软件Audition acv encryption tool 3.0 listed(Audition acv encryption tool 3.0 listed)
说明: 填写坐标信息,调用地磁模型WMM2015,计算当前位置磁场值(填写坐标信息,调用地磁模型WMM2015,计算当前位置磁场值 填写坐标信息,调用地磁模型WMM2015,计算当前位置磁场值 Fill in the coordinate information, call the geomagnetic model WMM2015, calculate the current position of the magnetic field value)
Find Process that Open the File
通过vc2005编写的3D重建程序实现CT数据的三维重建过程,最终完成了重建。(Written by vc2005 3D reconstruction process, to achieve three-dimensional reconstruction of CT data)
这是一个模仿windows鼠标框选的程序,希望对大家有用。(This is a program that immitates the mouse selectbox.)
VC6.0环境下,使用鼠标完成基本图形(直线、圆弧、贝塞尔曲线等)的绘制,并显示动态绘制效果。(Under VC6.0 environment, We can use the mouse to draw the basic graphics (straight line, arc, Bessel curve, etc.) ,and also show the effect of dynamic rendering.)
用vc++编写的一套工业设备故障状态显示的程序,希望对吧大家能有帮助。( Using vc++ program written in a status display industrial equipment failure, in the hope that we can help it.)
通讯录系统,有导入并保存数据的功能,还有增删查改(And import in the address book system, and the function of the data, and add or delete check instead)
Modelsim6.5破解与安装详解,内含应用程序及环境配置详情(Modelsim6.5 crack and installation steps)
WINDOWS下的基于CPCI的MVB 网卡驱动(CPCI mvb netcard driver for windows.)