▍1. ecshop-batch-comments
ecshop后台批量添加用户、订单、评论【随机随机】(ecshop background batch add users, orders, review [random random)
ecshop后台批量添加用户、订单、评论【随机随机】(ecshop background batch add users, orders, review [random random)
zencart的LV整站,本人测试无错,带数据(zencart the LV of the entire station, I test the error-free, with data)
用php写的一个php服务器 不用apache 不用nginx都可以的webserver(Use php to write a PHP server without apache without nginx can be the webserver)
phpredisadmin是通过php来管理redis的图形化接口(phpredisadmin redis php to manage graphical interface)
方维购物分享系统是一个专业的时尚分享和互联网技术的深度结合,一个充满想象力的蓝海市场。为您搭建一个web2.0时代崭新的社会化电子商务模式。在这里与好友一起发现美丽,搜索流行,分享快乐! 社会化电子商务 电子商务结合社会化媒体的社会化特性(分享、点评、评论)和社交图谱(用户的社会化关系)而形成的一种新型电子商务服务。 全新的商业模式 社会化+电子商务合二为一,全新的内容发布平台和交互应用模式。用户可以在社区找达人,找店铺,找团购,分享网购链接,分享自己喜欢的购物相关资讯等等。 分享模式介绍 社会电子商务系统框架 集合轻博客的主架构,搭配社会化问答、团购、达人、小组、主题、问答、达人、专辑、店铺、闲置、淘宝、担保买卖、积分兑换,搭配秀,晒货 ,精选搭配。 发现时尚分享购物乐趣 每一分钟,都有像您一样可爱的消费者入住购物分享社区,与大家一起分享购物乐趣。其通过发现、推荐使用户分享自己的商品使用体验。
php新闻管理系统,实现了新闻的分类添加,删除修改,是一个小型的cms系统(php news management system to realize the classification of news to add, delete modify, is a small cms system)
好用的生成图表PHP代码,可以生成柱状图,饼状图 线图。或者柱状图和线图的组合(Easy to generate graphs of PHP code, you can generate bar chart, pie chart line graph. Or a combination of bar charts and line graphs)
供求信息网的源代码,有使用说明书,开发环境php+mysql(Source of supply and demand information network, manual development environment php+mysql)
用户名检测,php环境下使用的,用户名检测(User name detection, php environment, the user detection)
php文件在线管理,php版ftp文件管理(online management of the php files, php version of ftp file management)
Fork CMS 使用十分简单,注重用户体验,包含博客、问答、表格等模块,适合于建立小型商业网站或者个人博客,目前官方还未发布简体中文语言包,在后台可以十分方便地自行制作语言包。(Fork the CMS is very simple, focusing on user experience, including blogs, quizzes, forms and modules, suitable for small business website or personal blog, the official has not yet released the Simplified Chinese language pack in the background can easily create their own language pack.)
If you can build websites with CSS and JavaScript, this book takes you to the next level—creating dynamic, database-driven websites with PHP and MySQL. Learn how to build a database, manage your content, and interact with users through queries and web forms. With step-by-step tutorials, real-world examples, and jargon-free explanations, you’ll soon discover the power of server-side programming. The important stuff you need to know: Get a running start. Write PHP scripts and create a web form right away. Learn the language. Get up to speed on PHP and SQL syntax quickly. Build a database. Use MySQL to store user information and other data. Make it dynamic. Create pages that change with each new viewing. Be ready for mistakes. Plan error messages to help direct users. Manage your content. Use the file system to access user data, including images and other binary files. Control operations. Create an administrative interface to oversee your site.
PHP+AJAX猜拳,适合学习php者研究使用(PHP+ AJAX mora, for learning php persons use )