▍1. FontGen
VXworks汉字点阵产出程序,非常有用,可以生成各种字体汉字字库!(VXworks character dot-matrix output of the program, very useful, can generate a variety of Chinese character fonts!)
VXworks汉字点阵产出程序,非常有用,可以生成各种字体汉字字库!(VXworks character dot-matrix output of the program, very useful, can generate a variety of Chinese character fonts!)
主要实现将任务异常记录在tffs文件系统中(main task will be recorded in abnormal tffs File System# define EXC_MAX_ EXCEPTION_NUM 100# define an EXC_MAX_NAME_LEN 00 typedef struct (NW_INT32 nExcNum NW_CHAR Sz谩sz ExcList [] [EXC_MAX_N EXC_MAX_EXCEPTION_NUM AME_LEN]) TExcInfo)