▍1. LeetCodet-solution
码农求职必备,leetcode题解,教你无师自通(Agricultural job code necessary, leetcode that solution, teach you self-taught)
码农求职必备,leetcode题解,教你无师自通(Agricultural job code necessary, leetcode that solution, teach you self-taught)
vc,mfc代码,主要是位图加载的人物走动。(vc, mfc code, the main character is a bitmap loaded walk.)
软件安装向导例子,效果不错,VC++语言开发(demo for soft-installation wizards)
C语言代码,实现走迷宫,代码设计是从一个迷宫中找出仅有的一条正确路劲(find the corrent rode .add private the rode)
C语言程序设计(第二版谭浩强),让大家从c的基础开始学习(C programming language (second edition of Tan Haoqiang), so that we began to learn the basis of C)
C语言实现简单的线性反馈移位寄存器,并且用于文件的简单加密处理,使用VC6.0编写(C language implementation of a simple linear feedback shift register, and for simple file encryption process using VC6.0 write)
第1章 Visual C++集成开发环境new 第2章 C++语言基础new 第3章 C++面向对象程序设计new 第4章 创建应用程序框架new 第5章 文档与视图new 第6章 对话框和标准控件new 第7章 MFC原理与方法new(Chapter 1, an integrated development environment Visual C++ new language based on Chapter 2 C++ new Chapter 3 C++ new object-oriented programming in Chapter 4 Creating new application framework document and view Chapter 5 Chapter 6 new dialogs and standard controls new section Chapter 7 MFC new principles and methods)
《C语言程序设计》谭浩强以及全国计算机等级考试2级C语言上机题库(" C Programming Language" on Hemopurification and National Computer Rank Test level 2 C language machine exam)
VC++ MFC 实现的实时曲线功能,很好的例子,这个在网上很少能找到(VC++ MFC to achieve real-time curve drawing, a good example, this rarely found online)
VC++实现多个文件进行比较;VC++实现多个文件进行比较;(Multiple file to Competer,Multiple file to Competer,Multiple file to Competer,)
C Primer plus,经典的c语言编程书籍,值得一看(C Primer plus)
一个简单的马的周游问题,使用c语言编程,代码保证能运行~~(A simple question to travel around the horse, using c programming language, code guaranteed to run ~)
C++标准库内容。在C++社区中影响甚大,是不折不扣的“准”标准库。Boost由于其对跨平台的强调,对标准C++的强调,与编写平台无关。(The content of the C++ standard library. A great influence in the C++ community, is hundred-percent quasi standard library. Boost because of its emphasis on cross platform, the emphasis on the standard of C++, and write platform independent.)
这是一本讲解c陷阱和缺陷的书,详细讲解c语言在用的过程中容易出错的地方,想学好c语言,最好看看这本书。(This is a book on c traps and defects, detailed interpretation of the c language in the process of using error-prone place, want to learn c language, had better look at the book.)
MFC 绘图功能及函数介绍,希望有一定的帮助(MFC drawing function and function introduction, hope to have the certain USES)
C++学习资料,很有助于初学者的学习,很有帮助。(C++ learning materials, it helps beginners learn to deal with it.)
基于MFC的窗口编程,连接了数据库的一个表,并使用MFC进行表操作(MFC-based windows programming, connected a table in the and table operations using MFC)