▍1. C-Errors
c语言错误大全,包含各种C语言设计错误,建议大一同学使用(failed to translate)
c语言错误大全,包含各种C语言设计错误,建议大一同学使用(failed to translate)
本内容是C++教材的电子版本,非常适合初学者来学习C++的。(failed to translate)
学习MFC的好资料,初学者和中级者适合的学习东东。(Good resource for learning MFC,suited for freshers and the Middle-class learners.)
深入浅出MFC第二版,候俊杰著,适合深入研究的开发人员,不建议初学者(MFC easy, second edition, Hou Junjie book, suitable for in-depth study of the developer is not recommended for beginners)
C语言课件及教材例题,适合初学者学习使用。(The C language courseware and textbooks Example, suitable for beginners to learn to use.)
100个经典C语言程序[免费下载]特别好欢迎查看(100 classic C language program [Free Download] particularly good welcome view)
内有几篇AIS解码的文章,讲解的很详细,适用于初始想了解AIS的朋友(Within several AIS decoding of the article, to explain in great detail, and apply to the initial friends want to understand the AIS)
利用VC技术(包含MFC中的相关函数实现)获取本机的子网掩码。(Use VC technology (including the correlation function in the MFC implementation) to obtain the subnet mask of this machine.)
姜静波译中文文字版《编写无错C程序》。电子工业出版社(Jiang Jingbo translated Chinese text version of " write a no wrong C program. Publishing House of Electronics Industry)
很经典的vc入门教材,图文并茂,pdf版本的!(Classic vc introductory textbook, illustrated pdf version!)
vc相关教程,比较经典实用,有详细讲解,有需要的可继续联系(vc tutorials, more classic practical, explain in detail the need to continue contact)
178个经典c语言源代码,包括很多常用算法的,实例(178 classic C language source code )
计算机图形学的课程的课件,是PPS格式,为防止随意篡改。(PPS of Computer Graphics)
凹多边形,适合初学者,讲解很详细,大家互相交流。(Shape, is suitable for beginners, the explanation is very detailed, we communicate with each other. )
Visual C++开发入行真功夫 本书全面介绍了Visual C++ 2008开发环境的特点、使用方法及相关编程技巧。内容涵盖了Visual Studio 2008运行环境的介绍、C++编程基础、MFC的应用等;详细讲解了使用Visual C++ 2008进行Windows相关应用程序开发的方法和流程,包括对话框及常用控件的实现,打印操作原理及应用,键盘、鼠标操作,图形、音频、视频的处理,多线程及网络编程,数据库操作,后台服务程序管理等多方面内容。 本书注重实用性,每个技术点均给出可运行的案例源码。在讲解理论的同时,还融入了大量实际开发经验和技巧。 随书附赠光盘包含书中范例源文件、各章视频讲解、课后习题答案、就业分析、面试指南、岗位须知、职业指导等内容。 本书适合作为广大编程爱好者学习Visual C++的入门教材,也适合作为高校计算机、电子等相关专业师生的参考书箱。(about visual c++)
深入浅出mfc,介绍了MFC框架的基本技术,对于有一定MFC编程经验的人很有帮助,能更好的理解KFC框架(Introduce the MFC S basic techniques.it will help a lot for the people who have the experience of programming with the MFC.)
c语言函数库-第一章(C标准库)学习C语言的好资料(c language function library - (C standard library) to learn the C language)
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Parameterization of ASN.1 pecifications ASN.1 参数化规范(Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Parameterization of ASN.1 pecifications )