▍1. usb6251
关于如何使用NI公司USB-6251数据采集卡的参考文献(Companies on how to use NI USB-6251 data acquisition card References)
关于如何使用NI公司USB-6251数据采集卡的参考文献(Companies on how to use NI USB-6251 data acquisition card References)
关于如何使用NI公司USB-6251数据采集卡的参考文献(Companies on how to use NI USB-6251 data acquisition card References)
USB设备数据读取,将USB中数据保存到电脑上(USB device data read, save the data from USB to the computer)
通过一个NI USB-6501 便携式数字I/O设备,控制一个步进转台的旋转。可选择旋转方向,并以5°为单位旋转。(NI USB-6501 via a portable digital I/O devices, control the rotation of a stepping turntable. Alternatively the direction of rotation, and 5 units of rotation.)
USB功率计读取,labview2014编写(USB power meter reads, labview2014 write)
USB-6008说明与使用注意事项lab运用与说明(6008 Description and Use Precautions)
USB配置蓝牙模块。实现功能:配置蓝牙模块。再读取蓝牙模块数据程序。此代码为我毕业设计,现与大家分享!!!(USB bluetooth configuration software. configuration buletooth module。)
使用Labview编写PC端USB通讯程序,与C8051f320进行大规模数组USB通讯。文件中Device部分是Silab提供的FileTransfer例程,适用于C8051f320;Host部分中VC程序Silab提供的原例程,Labview程序是根据VC程序自主改写移植而成。已通过测试验证。(Interface for USB communicatons on PC, was coded by Labview, and it can transfer(USB) big array with C8051f320. The Device folder from Silab s example "FileTransfer", and the VC code in Host folder also. The VI in Host folder is code basic the VC code. The VI passed test.)