▍1. tvnode
tvnode-hitem tvnode-hitem -tvnode-hitem tvnode-hitem
tvnode-hitem tvnode-hitem -tvnode-hitem tvnode-hitem
显示路径和文件名的TreeView-The treeview which can display path name and file name
从数据库中读出树,可以是无限级树目录! 一个不错的功能,大家来看看吧-from the database to read out trees, can be unlimited directory-tree! A good functional, we at the end of
这是一个用ASP。NET编写的论坛,非常的好啊,大家下巴-This is an ASP.NET prepared by the Forum, very good, and we chin
一个IE历史栏风格的树形控件,推荐下载--A tree control with ie history style,recommend
treeview加强版,操作方便,可加入图标-TreeView enhanced version, easy to operate, can be added icon
VC资源管理器 原代码 VC资源管理器 原代码 -VC Explorer source code VC Explorer source code VC Explorer source code VC Explorer source code
VC ,treeview与数据库的连接,能对数据库进行操作-VC, treeview and database connections, the database will operate
实现自绘树控件操作,给树控件加入真彩背景图片,实现随心所欲的自画功能。-To achieve self-drawn tree control operation, to the tree control by adding true color background pictures, the realization of arbitrary functions from the painting.
SilverlightTreeViewDemo,展示silverlight的treeview控件-SilverlightTreeViewDemo, the treeview control to display silverlight
最新智力拼图游戏源代码,智力拚图,真的长智力哦,不过如果你知道了它的源代码那么你就是大智了-intellectual puzzles and the latest source code, intellectual puzzles, really long intellectual Oh, but if you know its source code so you are a Dazhi
树状控件和列表控件联合-tree controls and the Joint Control List
Tree控件的小小应用,本例中将中国各省市名按树状结构展开,树中每一个项目是数据库中的一条记录-Tree Controls small applications, the cases of all provinces will be under a tree structure started every tree is a project of a database record
Set rptCol = .Columns.Add(conColumn_±ê×¢ , "±ÃÊ ¾ ", 50, True) rptCol.Editable = False rptCol.Groupable = False .SetImageList Me.imgList .AllowColumnRemove = False .MultipleSelection = False .ShowItemsInGroups = False With .PaintManager .ColumnStyle = xtpColumnFlat .GridLineColor = RGB(225, 225, 225) .NoGroupByText = "Í Ï ¶ ¯ Á Ð Â±ÃªÌ â µ ½ Õ â À ï ,°´ ¸ à Á Ð ãƒ»Ö Ã—Ã©..." .NoItemsText = "à » Ó Ð ¿ É Ï Ô Ê ¾ µ Ä Ï î Ä ¿ ..." .VerticalGridStyle = xtpGridSolid End With- Set rptCol = .Columns.Add(conColumn_cent , "Ecirc frac34 ", 50, True) rptCol.Editable = False rptCol.Groupable = False .SetImageList Me.imgList .AllowColumnRemove = False .MultipleSelection = False .ShowItemsInGroups = False With .PaintManager .ColumnStyle = xtpColumnFlat
树的节点一般是通过递归函数显示,此处是通过网络的逐级缓冲显示树的节点。-tree nodes is usually through a recursive function, here is the network gradually buffer tree nodes.
功能超强的验证控件,适合asp,asp.net,vb.net等使用.100%服务端控件,所见即所得.让你轻松实现验证.-super validation function controls for asp, Asp. Net. vb.net etc. .100% server control, WYSIWYG. you easily verified.
treeview学习的好材料,简单易懂-treeview good learning materials, simple and understandable.
在微软的.NET 的Forms窗口控件中,比如Treeview和ListView,仅仅是对通用控件的简单封装,因此他们不正常的引发Paint事件。微软所发布内容中,能看到的唯一建议就是设置控件的ControlStyles.UserPaint类型,然后自己为控件做所有的绘图操作。-in Microsoft"s.NET Forms Control window, For example, Treeview and ListView, only to the general controls simple package, Therefore, they do not trigger the normal Paint incident. Microsoft released the contents, see is the only proposal set ControlStyles.UserPaint types of controls and then to do all the controls mapping operation.