▍1. datos34_Ress_monofasico.m
ieee 34 bus data to run in power flow studies
ieee 34 bus data to run in power flow studies
包含KL、YCBCR等不同肤色模型的matlab比较与实现,以及相关文献(Containing KL, YCBCR matlab models such as comparison of different colors and implementation, and related literature)
支持向量机工具箱 可以借助此工具箱完成很多信号的处理(failed to translate)
生成samples.mat文件的相关源程序。需要一百个wav文件输入。(The relevant source files generated samples.mat. Need a hundred wav file input.)
按照光波导理论书上面编写的。很值得一看啊(In accordance with the waveguide theory books written above. Ah well worth a visit )
说明: C’est avec un grand plaisir que je remercie M Franç ois Costa, M Jean Luc Schanen et M Faouzi Ben Ammar qui ont accepté de faire partie de mon jury de thèse. Des remerciements aussi chaleureux vont à mes collègues du CEGELY avec qui j’ai partagé ces années de travail, je pense à tout(e)s les doctorant(e)s ainsi qu’au personnel permanent (la liste est longue et je suis sû r qu’ils vont se reconnaî tre facilement). Je réserve la fin de mes remerciements à ma famille pour leur soutien quotidien.
说明: MATLAB程序设计教程,适合初级学习者阅读,有助于打下扎实的基础(MATLAB programming tutorial, suitable for primary learners to read, help lay a solid foundation)
说明: 对离散数字信号实现QPSK调制,输出调制后的信号(Implementation of discrete digital signals QPSK modulation, the modulated signal output)
说明: FEA 有限元计算matlab很早以前编制的程序,适应新的matlab环境。(FEA finite element matlab long ago programmed to adapt to the new matlab environment.)
Examples for frequential image analysis in matlab
说明: 利用matlab仿真软件 对PWM进行仿真 有波形(Matlab simulation software used to simulate a PWM waveform)
说明: 利用matlab仿真软件仿真SVPWM的波形,例子中有这个实例的解决过程(Matlab simulation using SVPWM waveform simulation software, examples in the process of resolving this instance)
this ia fft implemntation of clustering based on k means
说明: 产生相机模拟实验标定板,行数,列数以及间距有自己设定,例如(张正友标定板(9,11,25)).(Simulation produces the camera calibration board, the number of rows, columns and spacing of their own settings, such as (Zhang Zhengyou calibration plate (9,11,25)).)
说明: OFDM误比特率性能, 采用QAM调制,(BER performance of OFDM using QAM modulation,)
This is a fuzzy image edge detector which can be implemented easily in matlab
UMEC transformer model in PSCAD with RMS measurements. UMEC transformer model in PSCAD with RMS measurements.