▍1. 048575
百度搜索源码例程,程序结合易语言超文本浏览框支持库,提交URL搜索地址在百度进行搜索。(Baidu search code samples , combined with easy language program hypertext browsing box support library , submit URL address search Baidu search.)
百度搜索源码例程,程序结合易语言超文本浏览框支持库,提交URL搜索地址在百度进行搜索。(Baidu search code samples , combined with easy language program hypertext browsing box support library , submit URL address search Baidu search.)
仿QQ聊天源码例程,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,使用服务器和客户组件,模仿实现QQ的聊天界面功能。(Imitation QQ chat source code routines , combined with easy language support library expansion interface , the use of server and client components , mimicking achieve QQ chat interface features .)
百度红包辅助源码程序,例程结合易语言第三方WEB浏览器支持库和易语言模块易语言网页操作类.ec,辅助实现百度红包的抽取。(Baidu red auxiliary source programs, routines combined with easy language WEB browser supports third-party libraries and ease of language modules easy language page action class .ec, auxiliary implement Baidu red envelope extraction.)
简单好友聊天工具源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,使用服务器和客户组件实现好友聊天功能。(Friends simple chat tool source program, combined with easy language support library expansion interface , the use of server and client components to achieve friends chat.)
网络蜘蛛模拟源码,程序结合易语言互联网支持库,多线程解析网页代码中的URL名称和地址。(Web spider simulation source program combining easy language Internet support library , multi-threaded code parsing page URL name and address.)
禁止某网站源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库,将添加的网站IP地址写到系统Hosts文件中。设置要访问的地址为一个固定的IP地址,达到禁止访问的限制(Ban a website source code, the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface , the website will add the IP address in the Hosts file system writes .)
下载地址编码转换源码程序,例程结合易语言扩展界面支持库和应用接口支持库,调用易语言模块BASE64编解码.ec,实现普通地址与指定下载方式地址的编码相互转换。(Download transcoding source programs, routines combined with easy language support library expansion interface and application interface support library , call the easy language module BASE64 codec .ec, achieve common coding address with the download address conversion.)
快速读取网页源码 ,很不错的易语言源码,适合易语言爱好者学习,()
设置浏览器控件代理源码程序,结合易语言第三方支持库WBE浏览器2.0版,调用API函数InternetSetOptionA实现设置WBE浏览器的代理服务信息。(Set browser control agent source program, combined with easy language support library WBE third-party browser version 2.0 , call the API function InternetSetOptionA achieve set WBE browser proxy service information.)
命令行双开3389端口源码,程序使用读写注册表项的方法,实现双开3389端口,支持双用户登录。(Command line double open source port 3389 , the program uses a method to read and write registry entries , open the 3389 dual -port , dual- user login .)
快速读取网页源码,运用到超速读取网页源码.ec与易语言互联网支持库,程序源码通过调用模块命令读取网页源码与易系统的“HTTP读文件”命令做比较。(Quickly read the page source code , use the speed source .ec pages to read and easy language support library Internet , Open Source command reads the web page source code by calling the module with the trading system of "HTTP read file " command comparison.)
post注册机源码,程序结合易语言扩展界面支持库、多线程支持库和互联网支持库,可以针对网站论坛循环注册。(Fillmore post source , the program combined with easy language support library expansion interface , multithreading support libraries and Internet support libraries , can be recycled registered for the website forum.)
小图拼大图源码程序,结合易语言数值计算支持库和图像格式转换支持库,调用API函数和正态分布模块,使用众多小图拼成大图。(Small map to enlarge spell source program , combined with easy language support library numerical and image format conversion support library , call the API function and normal module that uses many small map to enlarge spell .)
绘制桌面天气预报图源码,程序结合易语言位图操作支持库和应用接口支持库,调用API函数实现桌面绘图。(Draw Desktop Weather Forecasts Figure source program combining bitmap operations easy language support library and application interface support library , call the API functions in the Desktop Drawing .)
取局部图片源码程序,例程结合易语言系统核心支持库,通过坐标位置取制定大小的图片功能。(Take partial picture of the source program , a routine combining easy language support library system core , take the size of the picture functions developed by the coordinate position.)
模仿DNF窗口移动效果源码程序,结合易语言扩展界面支持库,模仿实现DNF窗口移动效果。(DNF window moves mimic the effect of the source program , combined with easy language support library expansion interface , imitate DNF window move to achieve results.)
真彩防火墙按钮源码,例程程序结合易语言模块彗星真彩控件模块.ec,实现真彩防火墙按钮效果。(TFT firewall button source , routine program combined with easy language module comet true color control module .ec, true-color firewall button effects .)
API更改图标源码,例程程序结合易语言应用接口支持库,调用API函数提取并更改图标。(API Change Icon source , routine program application interfaces combined with easy language support library , call the API function to extract and change the icon.)
窗口渐隐渐现效果源码,程序结合易语言应用接口支持库和易语言模块png窗口外形.ec,实现窗口渐隐渐现效果。(Window fade fade effect source , combined with easy language application program interface support library window appearance and ease of language modules png .ec, window fade-in effect achieve fade .)