▍1. ticketing system to expand Sichuan Institute of Software Development is a privat...
售票系统四川拓展软件开发研究所是一家民营高科技企业,专门从事计算机应用软件的研究开发。我所以现代股权制度为纽带,凝聚了一批技术水准高,充满活力,勤奋敬业的软件研发人才,主要致力于公路运输企业和医院管理软件的研发。-ticketing system to expand Sichuan Institute of Software Development is a private high-tech enterprises, specializing in computer application software research and development. I have a modern system of ownership as a link, the combination of a number of high technical standards, vibrant, hardworking software research and development personnel, committed to the main road transport enterprises and hospital management software research and development.